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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. Perhaps its similar to what AutoZone sells you when you buy a new battery to prevent corrosion on the terminals? I may pick some of that up. Thanks.
  2. Second form-factor authentication is the best protection against fraud short of going off the grid and having no contact with other humans ever. Bad actors can steal your password but it's unlikely they can get your phone. However, phones can be cloned (not sure how often that happens) so SMS authentication isn't perfect. We use a software product that puts a token on the phone that tied to the hardware address so a cloned phone won't work. Faxes bite the big one. People like to say they're secure but it's all too easy to fat finger a phone number and send sensitive data to the wrong place. Unfortunately, some agencies will ONLY accept faxes having failed to move into the era of encrypted email. To the OP, buy a flip phone. They're usually free at most carriers and the plans are affordable. They. have no data but, all you need is text.
  3. If you ain't getting hung up, you ain't fishing. I'll put a bait wherever I think i can get it and worry about getting her out after the hooks are in.
  4. My boat is just a bit over a year old so maintenance hasn't been a significant cost. I have had issues with corrosion in my TM plug. I've already replaced the receptacle and now having to replace the plug itself. Adding a circuit breaker near the battery. Other than that, maintenance has been more about cleaning as I rarely get to run the big motor (electric only lake).
  5. I've almost always got a tokyo rig, jerkbait, texas rig, and a topwater. I'll throw in the carolina rig when fishing deeper waters.
  6. Way to go. Always good to get a first. Sounds like the fishing gods were with you.
  7. That's a happy, happy day.
  8. I've always used Gammy's but I'm currently testing out the H20Express 3/0' and 4/0 EWG hooks. So far, so good.
  9. Agreed. I've only had one day where my fish count was over 25. Hats off to ya @DaubsNU1
  10. I put a 3’ 15 lb leader on my Tokyo rig using an FG knot today. It may have been coincidence but I scored a lot more bites today than I had in the last two trips. Speaking of the Tokyo rig, my bite to hook up percentage is 100% so far. I’m learning to like that setup. Time to start making my own.
  11. So, I’ve been thinking about all the comments y’all have posted, in particular the one who made the valid point that we throw Alabama rigs with big wires and all kinds of flash and that don’t bother the bass. And that’s certainly true. But, those fish are active fish that are reacting to the action. Does that necessarily mean that stationary, tight lipped bass aren’t more wary of a visible line? And if that is the case, wouldn’t a leader that less visible than braid make sense? Not trying to beat a dead horse here; just trying to make sense of it all.
  12. A fellow soldier, Lee Marshall if memory serves, taught me how to bass fish while we were stationed together at Ft. Devens, MA in ‘84-‘85. I would have been in my mid-twenties. Prior to that the only fishing I did was cat fishing. I fished out of a canoe when I wasn’t fishing with Lee until I PCS’d. My duty stations after that didn’t afford me the opportunity to fish. I couldn’t wait to try my new skills back home in MS only to have all my gear stolen from the back of my truck the week I ETS’d out. I was too poor to rebuild so I didn’t start fishing again till a couple of years ago. My mentors since then have been online resources, none finer that the folks here at BassResource.com.
  13. Got out for a couple of hours last night but was interrupted when a popup summer storm appeared replete with thunder and heavy lightning. I'd only caught one pounder at that time on a TR. I motored back the launch area figuring it probably wouldn't be wise to be waiving miniature lightning rods around in that weather. By the time I got there, the lightning had dissipated so I kept on fishing in the rain. Finally, after the rain let up, I snagged this 2 lb on the Tokyo Rig.
  14. 61. 5.54 lb. It's my Avatar.
  15. I don't get poached much in the lake I fish but I do hate it when I've laid out a plan to fish along a specific path and others who put in later can clearly see where I'm heading and get there because their TM is faster than mine. But, it is first come, first served. That's when I start praying for a better TM ?
  16. We live in an age where kids grew up entitled. Everyone gets a participation trophy and it's a crime to spank your child. Christian values are spit upon. The net result? A weaker America.
  17. If the graph is on the bow I like the transducer to be on the TM so I’m seeing where I’m at, not where I’ve been. If you add the livescope down the road, you could relocate the transducer to the transom or buy one of those separate poles I’ve seen made for that. But, TBH that’s just my thought. I am certainly no expert on electronics.
  18. It may depend on the model of your charger. My Lowe dealer advised me that I could keep the onboard charger plugged in at all times and that it will trickle charge to maintain the batteries.
  19. Howdy yourself Elias. Good to have you.
  20. I would say the water, while not clear, isn't stained or muddy. Visibility is about 1'-2'. No really heavy cover. I've search with Dr. Google, but have been unable to find the invisible hooks and weights. ? Excellent point.
  21. I recently spooled one of my worm rigs with some 20 lb spiderwire in Mossy color. Currently, I’m tied directly to the bait. But, I’m wondering about line visibility. Should I be using a leader of some length that less visible? My concern with a leader is that the knot coming through the line guides will reduce casting distance. What say you?
  22. I remember when I first when to Gatlinburg over 40 years ago. To me, that was a quaint place to visit back then. Now? It's overcrowded and reminds me of Las Vegas what will all the people trying to get you into their store combined with the traffic. I've never gotten to fish there but have seen the trout in the streams. Last time we where there, we spend most of our time hiking, driving through Cades Cove, Dixie Stampede, and Dollywood.
  23. I always say, "The only stupid question is the one you don't ask." I mean, if you knew the answer, you wouldn't have to ask right? I've not been on this forum all that long but, I have found the members her to be very giving of there knowledge and have gotten answers to all sorts of questions. I would encourage you to check out the videos section of the forum. There's not much about fishing that hasn't been covered. They do amazing work. And you cannot beat the cost.
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