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  1. After months of searching I finally found a great boat! 1995 Ebb Tide Dynatrak 186 TS. 150 Yamaha. Boat is very clean and all the toys. Took it out this past weekend... backed her in... turned the key and...... NOTHING!!!! After kicking and screaming awhile I went to the marina and they had an Interstate for sale... figuring I would get hosed I was shocked when they rung it up for $60.00... then I get back the boat and now... can't get the old battery out without dismantling the oil tank... not having a nut driver and extension with me I drive to the nearest town... hit Wallyworld.. and change the battery in the parking lot. By now my fishing buddy is smirking all the way to the lake... back her in... She fires right up and purrs like a kitten... smiling we idle her out of the no wake zone and crack the throttle.... after scaring myself silly with using too much up trim... I finally get her on plane and zoom out to about 60 or so.... the rest of the day was an awsome time... too much wind and very few strikes but I wouldn't trade her maiden voyage for anything!!!! Still can't get this silly grin off of my face! I'll get some pics up soon!
  2. Found a 95 18 foot dynatrack with a 150 yamaha. I had heard of ebbtide on speedboats and cruisers but I guess they made bassboats for awhile in the 90s. Any opinion good or bad?
  3. Looking at buying my first boat, Very dissapointed with what $10,000.00 will buy used, so now I am looking at entry level new glass boats. So any opinions? I'm looking at the Stratos 275XL with a 90 yammy and a Nitro 750 with a 90 Merc. Both dress out about $18,000 rigged. I am a total rookie so any help would be mucho appreciated. Will be running in Missouri... Smithville, Truman, Stockton.... HELP!
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