Hey all - new guy here. I grew up fishing creeks in Maryland. Joined the military, didn't fish for 10 years, and got back into bass fishing heavily when I moved to Vegas. Mead fishing like a highland reservoir so I'm keyed into lakes like that. I do pretty well at the one by me (Canyon Lake.) What I struggle with sometimes is fishing the murky lakes here in Texas. I'm fishing from my 20' bass boat. Some days I go out and do really well, while other days I can't catch anything. What do some of you all key in on when fishing lakes with hundreds of grass patches, stumps, bluff walls, submerged trees, etc. I know how and when to key in during the seasons. But what do YOU personally key in on? Certain trees? Certain types of humps or stumps? Thanks for your insight. If you ever want to chat about highland reservoirs I can help you out lol ?