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Everything posted by HarryBawlz

  1. HarryBawlz

    My Catches

  2. HarryBawlz

    My PB

    From the album: My Catches

    A bit of an old picture. Pulled her out of the Pawtuxet River in West Warwick, RI 5 or 6 years ago.
  3. Thanks for your thoughts everyone. You guys confirmed what I was already kinda thinking. Not worth spending the money if what I have works. Happy fishing everyone!
  4. I already have some nice, non-braid ready, spinning reels that I've been using braid on with a mono backing to keep the line from slipping on the spool. Lately I've been looking at braid ready spinning reels but I just don't know if the upgrade is really worth it. I'm just looking to get some opinions. Do you guys think the braid ready reels work well enough to justify spending money to replace some of my older reels or should I save my money and keep putting a mono backing on my existing reels when using braid?
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