Been driving between Castaic and Casitas twice a week since I started fishing about a month ago. As what one would expect bank fishing these high-pressure lakes, getting skunked is quite normal (I enjoy bank fishing because I enjoy walking around trails, or any long trails for that matter).
Anyway, wondered about something. Encountered an article about catching fish recommending to "saturate" a given an area since the fish might not have seen the lure (right place, right time). But I wonder how this weighs up against risking having the fish get sick of seeing the same lure over and over again, if they are in fact there, but they just chose to ignore what I was throwing lol. I certainly have seen this behavior in trout in shallow water. First cast, one took a bit, but got unhooked. Second cast the trouts were investigating the lure, followed it but didn't bite. Buy the 6th or 7th cast they already ignored the lure :D
Anyway, this is a very fun hobby. With fish or without. Already booked a campsite for 3 nights and 4 days at the Mccloud river where Ill probably go fishing for trout! Wouldnt have done it if I didnt get into fishing! Cheers!