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  1. Ill try Silverwood this weekend! I have been watching videos on youtube on bank fishing at Silverwood!
  2. So far I have fished Casitas, Cachuma, Diamond Valley, Castiac (Right and Left ramp), Castaic Lagoon, Piru. Other lakes I want to visit: * Pyramid Lake * Silverwood Lake * Elizabeth Lake * Quail Lake * Castac Lake * Lake Hughes * Perris reservoir I just wonder where to go next (Love exploring on foot and on car). Love scenic lakes. Not looking for trophy fish, 2 pound bass is good enough. Just looking for my next lake that will guarantee I dont go home skunked. What are you thoughts of the lakes above? Thank you!
  3. Theyre smarter than we give them credit for. I think they are capable of learning (not to bite the same lure twice ??) Hello there my fellow Bass Perfume lover! Le'basse de toilette
  4. Some days they bite, some days they dont. But you see them leaping around to let you know they're there just to tease you on purpose I think. Spiteful fish they are - theyre kinda cute that way. Am I also the only one who finds their smell addictive? I wipe their slime on my pants so it sticks like perfume lol
  5. Thank you! Have always been confused by this lol ? so you dont need a 2nd rod permit even if you carry 4 rods so long as only 1 line is in the water?
  6. Hi! I was under the impression that the number of rods you can have with you is two (California requires another permit for a second rod) yet I see some people carry more than 2. What is it really? Thank you!
  7. 4/24 caught a bunch of largies including what would have been my largest if only I had a scale with me (she was around 20+ inches long) Castaic lake W ramp, medium/fast rod, fluoro 4 lb test, #1 EWG hook, aarons magic roboworm on the drop shot. 4/25 caught my first smallie ever. Same location and set up as above except for lure (used margarita roboworm). Caught 2 more largies in same cove on aarons magic. Drove down to the lagoon and caught a dink and a good sized largie on aarons magic near the weeds. Super happy! Now I actually know how a bite should feel and I can tell what the bottom substrate is just from feeling the rod! Have a great week ahead!
  8. Thank you! Very stoked! After getting egged since I started last month, then suddenly bass galore! ?
  9. Hi All! I have been practicing dragging my lure in shallow water to see how it moves everytime I jerk it. Found my preferred motion after watching videos how shads swim (but I really used roboworms so probably motion didnt matter) Today drove to Cachuma and applied what I have learned so far. Caught a bunch of fish, both LM and SM. A couple of large ones and several small ones. But a fish is a fish! Im just very happy! Just spent 5 hours there. Figured Im satisfied with what I have landed thus far so no need to blister more fish mouths! It was a nice day! I wish you all a great weekend!
  10. Hi! Anyone here likes small stream or freshwater rock pool fishing? Im curious about a few things. 1. Suppose you see a destination on the map, how do you know that place is accessible on foot in advance or actually have water? Some of these places have primitive campsites and are probably not maned, so they probably have no access road. 2. This morning went to the West Fork of the San Gabriel River but couldnt find the entry point. I think they were closed but there were many picnickers along the North Fork. Does that mean Ill get arrested if I entered? lol. Trying to stay within the confines of what is legal. 3. Around Los Angeles you see some bridges but they have wire fences (I think a familiar sight to many who are LA locals). Does that mean its illegal to enter those areas? What about the people living under the bridges? Anyway, driving around California looking for small remote streams and rock pools with bass living in them is certainly on my bucket list, but one I do not have the confidence to undertake just now alone! Ed.
  11. Hi! Been driving between Castaic and Casitas twice a week since I started fishing about a month ago. As what one would expect bank fishing these high-pressure lakes, getting skunked is quite normal (I enjoy bank fishing because I enjoy walking around trails, or any long trails for that matter). Anyway, wondered about something. Encountered an article about catching fish recommending to "saturate" a given an area since the fish might not have seen the lure (right place, right time). But I wonder how this weighs up against risking having the fish get sick of seeing the same lure over and over again, if they are in fact there, but they just chose to ignore what I was throwing lol. I certainly have seen this behavior in trout in shallow water. First cast, one took a bit, but got unhooked. Second cast the trouts were investigating the lure, followed it but didn't bite. Buy the 6th or 7th cast they already ignored the lure :D Anyway, this is a very fun hobby. With fish or without. Already booked a campsite for 3 nights and 4 days at the Mccloud river where Ill probably go fishing for trout! Wouldnt have done it if I didnt get into fishing! Cheers! Ed.
  12. Didnt have a good look. Still not very good at separating them. Only when I catch both will I become more familiar
  13. The fish was 3 feet away from me. Then it slipped off the hook. Not properly set I think. Better luck next time!
  14. Hi! Went to castaic today - 3rd fishing trip ever (total noob). Switched to all flouro which I absolutely loved for confidence (I think my tangle management has gotten better - no issues with tangles today!) Anyway, caught my first Bass on lipped crankbait but it got unhooked which is not too bad, thought it was pretty sweet! Senko and worms are hard to use here in castaic it seems with frequent snagging even without weights and the fishes visible from the surface are totally ignoring them without taking a 2nd glance. Overall, I think this is a tough lake to fish for newbies like me. Can you recommend me an alternative body of water where the bass are dumb that I can try out tomorrow? Not more than 2 hours from Los Angeles pls! Thank you much apprecicated!
  15. Hi! I am curious about the different sections of the upper Castaic lake. There are 2 ramps, the main and the west with the dam in between. Im curious if there is shore/bank fishing on the Northern shore (Sharon's rest etc) as well as the western tip of the western side and Elizabeth canyon. Those sections look interesting on the map! Thank you!
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