Serious fishing almost always alone. However, the prettier half goes with me time to time to sunbathe on the back of the boat. I dont mind she is usually quiet and it gives us time to talk a bit about whatever.
I had one guy I used to fish with quite a bit. He was a heavy beer drinker and would leave beer cans on the back of the boat, it used to really honk me off. One day he ask me to ride with him someplace, about a 4 hour drive round trip, so I took a 12 pack of coke and left the cans on the floor of his car. Of course he said something the next time we were out fishing. I simply took the lid off of the trash can at our dock, and showed him all his beer cans I removed from the boat. He never did it again. He moved away, and I dont hear from him much, but I do miss a good fishing partner.