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About RecMar8541

  • Birthday 06/25/1967

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  • Location
    Orlando, Florida

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. hmmmm walmart could be a vasectomy and lobotomy wholesaler......what a plan!!!!
  2. good thing the guy didnt say the f word......internet filming options would have been unending.......hehehehehe
  3. The lake here that I live on is infested with gators. Most of the ones you see are in the 3-4 foot range, but during mating season 10+ arent uncommon. Now common sence tells you they are there all the time, you just see them more during the "happy time". I swim in the lake regularly, and have never had an issue, but never at night. I maybe crazy, but they own that lake at night, Im not stupid.
  4. why do we park on a driveway....and drive on a parkway?
  5. I certainly hope its elbow macaroni and not something with a blunt end. hehehehehe gonna sound like a brick hitting the bottom of the crapper when ya break loose......jesus dude whats the matter with you??
  6. Gotta ride with Kelley and Jim on this one. Glen and company do a fantastic job here, I personally wouldnt have deleted crap, If The mods found it out of range, they would remove it and that would be that. Sounds to me like someone was dealing with the green monster..... Recon
  7. To all those who have fallen, you are not forgotten. For all those left standing, we recognize your sacrifice. Thank You. Recon
  8. Anyone had these tasty treats? Heres how I make em. take a pickle spear, I use kosher dills myself, roll them in a breading, I use a premade chicken breading from the store, then dip em in milk, then a second toss into the breading. Drop them in the deep fryer for 3 minutes at 375 degrees. Dip em in ranch dressing....they are awesome, and go great with a meal of speck fillets!!! Recon
  9. Al, Ive been there to many times, I know the wrench of the last hours before leaving all to well. I wish you the best, and will keep all of you in our prayers here. Be safe you know the deal "there" Recon
  10. Serious fishing almost always alone. However, the prettier half goes with me time to time to sunbathe on the back of the boat. I dont mind she is usually quiet and it gives us time to talk a bit about whatever. I had one guy I used to fish with quite a bit. He was a heavy beer drinker and would leave beer cans on the back of the boat, it used to really honk me off. One day he ask me to ride with him someplace, about a 4 hour drive round trip, so I took a 12 pack of coke and left the cans on the floor of his car. Of course he said something the next time we were out fishing. I simply took the lid off of the trash can at our dock, and showed him all his beer cans I removed from the boat. He never did it again. He moved away, and I dont hear from him much, but I do miss a good fishing partner.
  11. I had a website long time ago that sold outdoor goods. It also went on a list although I am positive I never sent one single piece of spam. I also was unable to talk them into removing the block. They also add tons of uneeded software to your computer, which generally can slow it down quite a bit, if you dont know what to remove.
  12. Pathetic, maybe they should have livewell and wallet checks. Im teasing about the wallet checks of course, but still thats sad.
  13. Man people never cease to amaze me. Over a fishing spot. I hope there is mandatory sentencing there for those who use firearms in the commission of a felony. I am the last person on earth who will ever be anti firearm, but I am the first to insist that people be responsible for their actions with a firearm. Responsibility and accountability are key!
  14. Welcome, if you love to fish you have found the right place! Recon
  15. depending upon the size of the cooler, and the size of the minnows. It is a rather inexpensive undertaking to add aeration to your bucket, and would probably give the best results for keeping your bait frisky. It also dosent hurt to add a bit of ice to the bucket as well. Fish being cold blooded use less oxygen in cooler conditions, and also cooler water holds more oxygen that warm. Hope this helps Recon
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