Got out for a couple hours yesterday afternoon. Winds have been crazy lately and yesterday was no different. Could make some headway during the sustained 10-15, but the gusts of 25-30 made it a struggle to not go backwards. Only managed two fish but had several pickups that I couldn’t get a hookup. Guessing it’s bed fish mouthing the bait to move it off their bed? Been happening quite a bit lately. Got one on a new Fogy and had another slash at it right at the kayak.
Did get this 2.5 on a Tokyo rig when it just slammed the bait. I did everything possible to lose her including snagging line on the bow, letting her jump 4-5 times, missed with the net and she bounced off the hull, hit her with the net… HAHA. Somehow managed to land her eventually. Super skinny fish so I’m thinking postspawn?