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Drop shot-1

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Everything posted by Drop shot-1

  1. I was looking for a medium heavy rod. That’s why I was asking. I know they put the carbon wrap on this one so that’s might be why it’s a heavy.
  2. Don’t worry about it because nobody cares who you are! Clown! With your goofy emoji video!
  3. Anyone familiar with this rod. They label it as a heavy and rightfully so. But the lure rating goes down to an eighth. I’m just wondering if anyone’s used it. I’m looking to use it for like five and six inch weightless senkos , maybe some shaky head, Texas rigs. REBELLION 701HRS 1 piece rod 7ft length 8 + tip guides 1/8 - 1oz lure weight (3.5 - 28g) 14 - 25lb line weight
  4. Hooksets are free! Ok ,that’s stupid! it’s free to go fishing? It’s not….
  5. Thx Yea I talked to th guy over there. The delta rods are comparable to a Glx. So I think overall the actions are much much faster which is why you feel like that rods stronger than it’s rated
  6. Hi I noticed you have the Delta-FSS MBR 744-1. I was considering it for 5 to 6 inch weightless senkos and some other things. What is the tip like on it? Is it pretty traditional flex?
  7. Do you think the 743s is ok for dropshotting for most 1/0 hooks 8lb test. been looking at getting away from using ml as i feel i lose fish from not enough rod? i know the 743s has a good amount of give.
  8. Yup! I know he needed the $$. I also got the +ned rod. Not really crazy about this one if anybody’s interested it could be for sale
  9. Yea that’s what I got! I think it’s the heavy action label that confuses me. But that’s just where it falls in the Dobyns series of rods, they’re light! Thanks
  10. Yea that’s what I was thinking, very versatile like you said. I picked it up $175 new. Was thinking great Texas rig rod, zoom horny toad. It’s pretty beefy stout rod. Thank you
  11. Is the 745 too heavy to cast weightless, Senko, ikas etc, i thought the 744dx felt light.
  12. Anyone using this? What’s best uses?
  13. With the 744 DX work for weightles stick baits with like a 3/0 hook?
  14. Is the Dobyns 744 a decent rod to throw weightless Senkos with like a 3/0 hook?
  15. I think that’d be the max, but That rods built a little stouter up to an extra fast tip so you’ll be fine.
  16. I was checking out the GLX 894 as a Weightless Senko and ika rod. Has anybody actually fished with this is? I like the length for it but I it might be a little bit too firm to cast these Baits?
  17. I think the biggest think I've learned from using ML vs Med and I have tried several different rods (spinning). I get the whole part of letting the fish move around more with a bendy rod, but if that fish is thrashing around bending the rod, pulling the rod. You're not in control of it. I use the Owner Drop shot hook 1/0 moved to the 2/0. barely a difference but no fish is going to bend that hook with med tackle. I don't care about the small fish. I care about the big fish. This strategy will put more fish in the boat. For neko its a toss up. you can use varying hooks. Again same thing. Who cares about the small fish, its the bigger fish. NEKO drop shot. I like a good light med rod. The biggest takeaway is that slight bit of weight from a med but overall more power from a med. Some longer DS rods like a dobyns 702 have a good backbone that will give you some strength while fighting or some 732 rods are good, but smaller rods 6'10 I dont like them theyre too short and you cant get enough leverage. If youre going to go ML go with a 7 or longer rod, nothing shorter. Smallmouth will run you with any reel you have. . If you are fishing in very open water with no cover around then use the ML, but if you need to get that fish away from cover then use the med. This would apply to drop shot mainly. If you hook a big 4 pounder with light fluoro 6-8 (8 pound you pretty safe, but 6 you're not) you are NOT going to turn it with a ml rod very easy, its going to pull that drag and have a slight advantage. And because its pulling drag it gets momentum. If you have a med rod you can a bit of pressure and still maintain line health with your drag set right. I have used both even out here in Socal where its deep I prefer a med rod. Unless its shallow and im fishing an exposed hook, which I never do. I will occasionally use an open hook. If you can find a quality med rod that is light i dont think the rod action is that important. The tip on a med is still going to give, but not bend like a noodle. Ive used fast and x fast. I actually liked xfast a lot and noticed how much more control i had. but the biggest thing Ive change is using 7foot plus rods. Makes a huge difference getting in control quicker and landing fish, and the longer rod gives the limberness necessary to play the fish even with a med rod. I went up a hook size for drop shot and it works for me to go a bit heavier. i want to fish the biggest hook I can get away with and that usually means moving away from a med light. I recommend at least a seven foot rod too. To each their own. Most pros are not using med light spinning tackle. A Lot of them are actually using m/MH spinning rods, because they can pin the fish better. Those med light rods bend too much. I think it's unnecessary. And if you have your drag too low you're not going to bend that rod anyway. just my 2 cents. Daiwa Tatula 4000 picks up 40 inches of line. Owner Downshot 2/0 hook 6 inch robo. With a good 7 foot med fast. or xf rod with the drag just right will put big fish in the boat and not rip the hook. Key is the correct drag, you will not break of any fish and if you do then thats how it goes. this took me a while to get under control. ANything smaller is micro finesse. normal ML rod is too finessy. im not that desperate. if the fish is big enough regardless of rod strength and the drag is too tight he'll pop it. and most of the fish ive seen lost isnt because of the rod its because of the drag! unless the fish is substantial a med can handle those headshakes with enough give.
  18. 610 is the longest rod they tend to make within the drop shot category(not set in stone but you see a lot of drop shot rods G Loomis is one of them), finesse category. You will see these in medium light mostly and some mediums. If you make a medium light blank over 6 foot 10 you can’t get the same action in the longer rod The blank will give too much in a medium light. shorter rod gives you more sensitivity ( less rod). So the difference in an inch or two just happens to deal with making it more sensitive.
  19. Their warranty sucks, If you buy it as a second owner you’re completely screwed. I don’t like kistler. If I’m going to spend that kind of money I’ll just get the nrx .
  20. The DSR in the IMX pro is completely different than the DSR and then NRX line! Not even close!
  21. I didn’t like the 852 I think the reel seat place too far up from the Butt. This is way too much rod for anything less than a quarter or 5/16, It’s not a finesse fishing rod.I would use this Rod for throwing traditional 3/0-4/0 size hooks with Cinco’s but not for drop shot not for anything finesse. It’s too heavy.
  22. What’s the action on this ride like? Is it just stout with a softer tip to shake the Shakey head?. It sounds like it’s just like a drop shot rod basically.
  23. The dsr 822 has more backbone than you need And it’s also stouter all the way through to the tip. It’s not traditional for dropshot rod! It’s made to fish heavier weights, heavier line and heavier structure. It’s got more of a parabolic bend to it. but it’s got plenty of backbone I mean it’s almost like a medium. It might not have the backbone Of the syr, But it’s a stout rod. The main difference in these rods is the DSR is made for throwing drop shots in deeper, heavier cover specifically, the SYR isn’t. it’s just made for shaky head not in deep or heavier cover. I’ve never put my hands on the SYR so I don’t know exactly but I know what the DSR 822 is I have one. I think all these specific rods are overkill. Unless you’re fishing an extremely small drop shot rig like a a Robo worm rig wacky with a very small hook, so you can jiggle the bait a little. Any medium light rod will work. I don’t think medium is good because you need that sensitivity of a medium light, unless it’s one of the more expensive blanks that are lighter. But I’m convinced that even with a stouter ML tip you can still land in the fish Theyre not gonna break free from the Hook even with a smaller hook. This is why drag Set up is important. Brent ehler uses one rod a medium 7’1 with a softer tip for all his spinning. But I am a big fan of staying with medium light for a drop shot because you need that extra tip and you need that extra sensitivity of a medium light rod. Medium rods in general or set up more for like that 8 to 14 pound test it’s a bit high for a drop shot. But there are some good medium alternatives for example the Ehler drop shot rod I haven’t used one but he uses it. John crews uses a 7’4, We’re talking about extremely light blanks that make that medium almost feel like a medium light.
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