This actually looks promising. The TMO league seems like a good starting point for me.
I have an aluminum boat right now with a 10hp engine and trolly. I’m gonna join this one for sure.
I’m willing travel a couple hours to a lake. No more 5-6 hours travel time.
I have a 16ft aluminum boat with 10hp engine and trolly motor. However, I’m shopping for a new boat. My question is, do these tournaments allow pontoon boats? I’m liking the “bass buggy” which allows me to have it more of a family boat with fishing features and trolly.
Also, when fishing tournaments, are you allowed to bring a dog with you on the boat? Are you required to have 2 people all the time? Can you fish tournaments solo? How do register as a co angler?
Lastly, I would like to fish as a co-angler until I finalize my boat purchase. I’m hoping to fish many tournaments this year.
I’ll review the PA Bass Nation program as well. Prob join that too.
Sorry for all the questions, just wanting to understand better.