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Everything posted by Skunkmaster-k

  1. That’s a good poem.
  2. I like to change it up every once in a while too.
  3. 25. I don’t think my cooler would have held another 14 though.
  4. The Mrs and I went out Friday night about 9 pm and dropped a green light off the dock. At 2:30 am a huge school of 1” shad started circling the light. Then at 3 am the dinner bell went off ! We caught one after another for three and a half hours till the sun started coming up. 36 white bass 1 crappie and 3 walleye were in the cooler. I don’t know how many we threw back, but it was a bunch. I foresee crispy fish tacos in my near future.
  5. Yikes
  6. I like cowboy coffee . Shovel coffee grounds in the stainless pot , add water and bring to a boil. Yowsahs ! Just got to remember not to drink that last 1/4 of an inch off the bottom.
  7. A 6’10” - 7’ medium fast spinning rod with a 2500 - 3000 reel is a good place to start, at least for the way I like to fish. Are you using live or artificial bait ?
  8. Nice ! Welcome to the forum oldnewguy.
  9. I just learned something.
  10. It’s usually on the floor while I’m fishing. At the end of the day I store it under the passenger seat.
  11. I like staying in nice hotels. Sometimes we drive to Amarillo just to let the kids swim in the indoor pool and play awhile at the arcade. Gas prices what they are , that’s about all the vacation they’re going to get.
  12. Happy Independence Day!
  13. Fewer boats at 6am.
  14. Good eye. I never even looked above the horizon.
  15. Is he between the nearest bench and the bench on the walking trail just to the left of center between the two ?
  16. All them critters came from the same property ?
  17. That’s a perty good sized rat.
  18. Gulp minnows taste a lot better than they smell.
  19. Mono vs fluorocarbon , inexpensive vs expensive rods .
  20. 4$ Ozark Trail. I can accidentally pull it overboard with the anchor rope and not have a meltdown.
  21. Nah. He sounds kinda pushy. It’s almost insulting when someone tells you you’re doing it all wrong and then won’t shut up about it , unless you had your reel upside down . Then it’s okay.
  22. I thought of my dad when I read this. Funny, but very true.
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