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Everything posted by Skunkmaster-k

  1. Phew ! When I started reading my first thought was JFrancho had died. I’m glad you’re not dead ! Hopefully we’ll see you around here often. Good job and Godspeed Spider-Man.
  2. I leave the phone in the car when I get to the lake. I wouldn’t bring it at all, but my wife makes me. I mean she “asked “ me.
  3. Tornadoes suck.
  4. I see BPS as a circus. More of a curiosity than a store. I like it.
  5. I know it’s juvenile , but the first thing I noticed in your photo was the yellow snow to your right.
  6. Totally agree. It’s a sweet combo for the price. It’s a beautiful combo if you’re into aesthetics as well.
  7. I like to dig through the clearance aisle for crap that I don’t need , so I could probably fish two or three times a week for a couple of years.
  8. A smallmouth that big would be a hoot to catch !
  9. I would buy the biggest, most tricked out bass boat the world has ever seen. Then I would borrow my brother in law’s pickup truck to pull it to the lake.
  10. I got the 702 Fury and the 703 Sierra spinning rods. For finesse the 702 is the best.
  11. Yep. I changed it out on the side of the highway.
  12. I used to be the smartest man alive. Now I have teenagers.
  13. Yes. Shipping is expensive and unreliable right now. Hopefully the issues will get ironed out soon.
  14. That’s a spicy meat-a-ball ! Congratulations on your 9#er .
  15. I like my coffee stronger than most. Just shovel the grains into the pan of water and bring to a boil. Two tall yeti cups of that tar will make my hair stand up and my eyes bug out. Thence I am ready to party all day.
  16. Shakespeare dock runner or a zebco dock demon are about the right size for a little feller. They’re tough too.
  17. In the winter I don’t use baitcasters at all. It’s simply for the fact that spinning reels don’t get my hands wet .
  18. A purple Zoom finesse worm on a 1/0 round bend offset worm hook with as little weight as possible is a recipe for success. I like to use a 2500 reel on a 7” ML rod loaded with 6# line . And stuff.
  19. Dang. Ol Trev face planted perty hard.
  20. My vote goes to Tiny Torpedo as well.
  21. How did you get it up there?
  22. I’d go with the UL . Easy smooth casting makes Kevin a happy boy.
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