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Everything posted by Skunkmaster-k

  1. I lay the back seat down and angle the rod over the center console to the back dash. Or just take a two piece in the trunk.
  2. Phew ! When I started reading my first thought was JFrancho had died. I’m glad you’re not dead ! Hopefully we’ll see you around here often. Good job and Godspeed Spider-Man.
  3. I leave the phone in the car when I get to the lake. I wouldn’t bring it at all, but my wife makes me. I mean she “asked “ me.
  4. Tornadoes suck.
  5. I see BPS as a circus. More of a curiosity than a store. I like it.
  6. I know it’s juvenile , but the first thing I noticed in your photo was the yellow snow to your right.
  7. Totally agree. It’s a sweet combo for the price. It’s a beautiful combo if you’re into aesthetics as well.
  8. I like to dig through the clearance aisle for crap that I don’t need , so I could probably fish two or three times a week for a couple of years.
  9. A smallmouth that big would be a hoot to catch !
  10. I would buy the biggest, most tricked out bass boat the world has ever seen. Then I would borrow my brother in law’s pickup truck to pull it to the lake.
  11. I got the 702 Fury and the 703 Sierra spinning rods. For finesse the 702 is the best.
  12. Yep. I changed it out on the side of the highway.
  13. I used to be the smartest man alive. Now I have teenagers.
  14. Yes. Shipping is expensive and unreliable right now. Hopefully the issues will get ironed out soon.
  15. That’s a spicy meat-a-ball ! Congratulations on your 9#er .
  16. I like my coffee stronger than most. Just shovel the grains into the pan of water and bring to a boil. Two tall yeti cups of that tar will make my hair stand up and my eyes bug out. Thence I am ready to party all day.
  17. Shakespeare dock runner or a zebco dock demon are about the right size for a little feller. They’re tough too.
  18. In the winter I don’t use baitcasters at all. It’s simply for the fact that spinning reels don’t get my hands wet .
  19. A purple Zoom finesse worm on a 1/0 round bend offset worm hook with as little weight as possible is a recipe for success. I like to use a 2500 reel on a 7” ML rod loaded with 6# line . And stuff.
  20. Dang. Ol Trev face planted perty hard.
  21. My vote goes to Tiny Torpedo as well.
  22. How did you get it up there?
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