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Everything posted by Skunkmaster-k

  1. When I get home I open my boxes and run a box fan on them overnight .
  2. That’s great Koz! Congratulations.
  3. I trapped him , and every stray cat in the neighborhood .
  4. Looks like I’m gonna be adopting a dog soon. Somebody dumped her last week near my house . The wife has been feeding her and building trust , slowly. This morning she came to a whistle and wagged her tail while tug-of-warring the water bowl. Progress.
  5. That’s a good point. Sorting through them and discarding anything that is hard to cut with a knife or pliers is important.
  6. I go to the tire shops and ask if they have any junk wheel weights.
  7. Well bless your heart ! I try to avoid them at all cost.
  8. My superpower is attracting game wardens. I think it’s my winning personality.
  9. Sweet mercy , that’s a lot of skunks.
  10. I have 5 chickens and 1 duck. There were 13 and 5 before my battle with a skunk. He got what was coming to him, but it took a while. Anywhichway , now I’m only collecting 3 eggs a day and I hate skunks.
  11. I’m talking about making decisions not speed of retreive .
  12. Slowing down increases the odds of catching bigger fish
  13. That’s beautiful work. Whittling is so peaceful… usually.
  14. The way you read MICRO GUIDES SUCK ! was hilarious.
  15. I went fishing with my Dad this afternoon. The thermometer in the suburban showed 92 degrees.
  16. I have combos and lures that catch more than others, but I don’t believe it’s luck.
  17. Auctions are my favorite pastime ! That sounds like a good one too. Congrats x3 on the sweet boat !
  18. I try to stay away from the lake during tournament days. Too much drama .
  19. Usually for most soft plastics purple is my go to , but a guy who knows stuff at my home reservoir recommended I try a black lizard with a blue tail (Carolina rigged). I took his advice and wow I’m glad I did.
  20. I like idling my boat through coves at night with my spotlights pointing into the water. One time my son and I saw a largemouth swim under the boat that made my 9#er look small. We went back to that area over and over, but never saw her again.
  21. Doug Hannon’s Big Bass Magic ?
  22. Can we critique the articles on Bass Resource ?
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