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Everything posted by Skunkmaster-k

  1. The reason I suggested the lure weight is because you had an “ ish “ . If you’re through the guides and not wrapped around the tip or through the bait keeper then open the bail and the line should pull out effortlessly. If it does, tie a 3/16 bell sinker on and gently give it a test cast. That’s what I would do.
  2. The lure is too light to load the rod ?
  3. I’ve had good luck buying used. The flea market of this forum has been wonderful. There’s no way I could have afforded a few of the rods I bought if they were new. Thank all you guys.
  4. Arby’s fries are my favorite. When my wife was pregnant with our second son , we would make the trip to Amarillo every weekend to get her Arby’s. That’s when I got addicted to their curly fries. Anyway back to the subject. I climb ladders and roll around in the floor and stuff.
  5. Wow I haven’t heard someone talk about the 264 in a while. My cousin in Wyoming inherited one and he loves that gun.
  6. A 3.5” Ripper swimbait is where I would start. Chartreuse pepper with a splash of red dip and dye. Thread that goodness onto a 1/4 oz ball head jig and watch the magic happen.
  7. Accidentally goosing the trolling motor in the winter and getting thrown off the front deck. It’s not as funny as it sounds.
  8. That’s a nice rig. Can I have it ?
  9. WD40 catches more fish, but they kept slipping out of my hands at the boat.
  10. Spitting Levi Garrett on your lures will catch you more fish with one eye and a dorsal mullet.
  11. Blade baits are my #1 favorite cold water bait.
  12. I carry three rods usually. A 7’ MH caster spooled with 15 - 20 # mono , a 7’ M spinner spooled with 10# mono , and a 7’ ML spinner spooled with 6# mono. I don’t really do bait specific lines . It’s all gotta be versatile and mono is the happy medium for me.
  13. Your title made me chuckle too. Looks like yall had a good time.
  14. I’m going to DQ myself from this conversation because I don’t know anything about it and want to be honest.
  15. This topic came up not too long ago at the local coffee shop. A few farmers swore that they had seen a huge cat on a sprinkler pivot, swinging his tail with not a care in the world. If the men had been less credible I wouldn’t have believed them, but they aren’t liars.
  16. The videos of you fishing with your wife are my favorites on your channel. The banter is hilarious and her hooksets are epic.
  17. Hello
  18. The 9#er that I ate was memorable. Not my favorite memory , but crap happens.
  19. I’ve never bought a rod or reel on tea moo, but I did buy some casting spoons. They’re pretty good.
  20. February and March are the months I’ve caught my heaviest fish. That being said , it’s one or two bites a day ( maybe).
  21. Have you bought a litter robot yet ? They’re the bee’s knees.
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