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Everything posted by hokiehunter373

  1. 6" roboworm in morning dawn. Far and away my most replenished and recommended bait. Catch numbers and quality.
  2. Man, I gotta find some time to get out there!
  3. That deal is so good I wanna buy it and don't even have a yak lol
  4. I wouldn't be shocked if the owl works for a day or three but after that it's just a normal fixture that's always there and never a threat. I don't know why people would expect it to continue to work.
  5. I don't know why I haven't unsubscribed from this thread yet but doing so is more difficult than seeing these posts and fighting off the monkey
  6. Me, to myself, reading this. Dangit!
  7. Can we get some details on it? Feel free to PM them if you don't want to hose up the thread
  8. Soooo I'm about to be in Orlando for a week... lol
  9. Trying to dial in on some trout fishing early this year since my kids loved it so much last year. Sprinkled in some bass purchases as well. My BIL also got me a new Fenwick Eagle spinning rod. Can't wait to put that to use. 2 Okuma Celilo ultralight trout rods, some trout magnets, and a new Tatula CT 100 An Okuma Ceymar reel to pair with the rod (already have 1 on hand), some power eggs and trout dough, a few packs of my trusty roboworms, and finally getting to try out the PB gilly's A few more packs of the roboworms are back ordered as well as a new scale and a Cabela's order is in transit. Ready to get some lines wet!
  10. Been absent on here for a while because earlier sunsets and hunting season means I unfortunately don't have time for fishing. Made some time before the time change to take the kids out on a warm day for a little bit after a morning hunt. Had a buzzbait still tied on from this summer so I tried it out. Only took a few casts and I was bringing in a decent ~2 pounder. Let the kids try to find some bluegills with no luck. Switched to a spinnerbait and caught this fish for like the 4th time this year. HIs tail is finally looking better. Had a fox come in to get a drink of water across the pond from us that both kids got to see and a bald eagle fly overhead as combines picked the corn. Just can't beat this place, fish or no fish.
  11. They're freakin delicious if you blacken them.
  12. Little dude was like "please, get me tf outta here!"
  13. Thank the Lord they don't have any light rods included in that deal lol
  14. You're forgetting the most important part of that AB.... ?
  15. Don't wanna speak for the man but pretty sure he was talking to @A-Jay
  16. It's insane how many people think they're so great and should be everywhere without considering how it effects everything else in the water
  17. Hadn't been bass fishing in several weeks. Only had 45 minutes last night but it was time to get back out there. Unfortunately it was a few days into a cold front and no wind. Had set myself up to use the buzzbait, got to the pond knowing it wasn't going to be the deal, and decided to make an entire trip around the pond using it without getting a bite. Switched to the drop shot and first cast got nibbled and missed. Second cast I found out why I missed lol Found a cricket hopping around so I took the worm off and put him on. Caught a big bluegill which was fun. Roboworm back on and I sent her back out into the pond. I don't know how it happened but all the sudden I've got knots and lines everywhere. Back facing the pond, trying to deal with the knots, and all the sudden the line has pressure ?. Can't reel so I yanked to set the hook and then hand lined this fish in. Nothing is ever simple but it sure is funny to look back on. Not even a pounder but it at least made me stop and laugh. Plus I ended up untangling the line. Caught another bass before it was dark and I got out of there. Highlight of the night was seeing an absolutely absurd amount of deer on the evening. Almost that time of year ?
  18. Went on vacation last week and took a little inshore fishing trip with my buddy. Captain warned us that the fishing had been tough lately and the first 2 hours certainly were. Tiny nibbles eating bait and all we had to show for it was a skate at our first stop. The 2nd and 3rd spots were empty. At one of those spots I lost a 10ish pound sheepshead right at the boat. Didn't cut the line, didn't bend the hook, didn't do anything wrong, just popped off after a few minute fight. Real kick in the pants after how the morning had started. Headed to our 4th spot and it did not disappoint as we spent the rest of our time there. 5 mins after arriving I was hooked into a good black drum. About 23" and most importantly within the slot limit to bring home My buddy caught a couple smaller keepers and then the real fun began. Hooked into a big one that made several drag ripping runs. Took 10 or 15 minutes to get him to the boat. He was about 30" and over slot so back to the water he went after a few pics. Note the tail on him. That thing sure could provide some power. Bite slowed for a little while but we caught a few more keeper drum, a couple toadfish that went back, and a pigfish that we were able to keep. We got back on them shortly before we needed to leave and my buddy was able to get into a stud too. All-in-all we caught the 2 big ones, 6 keepers between 15 and 23 inches, 2 toadfish, the skate, and a pigfish. The drum were a ton of fun, especially the bigger ones, and they were delicious. The pigfish was on the smaller end but the meat was fantastic. We chose to go the blackening route for dinner for all 7 fish and man was it fantastic! I should have taken more pics of the finished product but these will have to do.
  19. Gents - heading to Ocean Isle next week with some friends and doing an inland fishing day with a buddy. How much are you expected to tip? First time doing something like this. Thanks
  20. Speaking of carp, here's one you all might enjoy. New MD state record ? https://news.maryland.gov/dnr/2022/06/07/state-record-common-carp-caught-in-susquehanna-flats/
  21. Is the bat to finish off the fish or are you expecting to find baseballs out there? lol
  22. Got out last night and started with the S-Waver. First cast and a fish hit it pretty quick. Of course I was hoping it was something big but it turned out to just be about a 1.5# fish. Oh well, first fish on that lure, so that was fun, and it gave me high hopes for the evening. However, I tossed that around a little longer with no luck. Switched to the drop shot and caught a dink and then no luck. Switched to a TRigged 10" power worm and started getting bites but everything was short striking or I wasn't letting it sit long enough. I'm always worried about gut hooking fish and I'd prefer to miss one then have that happen. Eventually I caught one. A really solid and thick upper 2s fish. Was real happy with that for how the night was going until I realized he was of course gut hooked. For the life of me I couldn't get that hook out so I cut it as low as I could and let him go. He swam off strong but we'll see. Picked up one more smaller fish on the power worm and that was it for the night. Luckily I saw a boat load of deer which was the pick-me-up of the evening. Had this little buck show up across the pond from me to get a drink. The powers that be might be trying to tell me it's time to get ready for September.
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