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Everything posted by hokiehunter373

  1. Ask and 'ye shall receive! He's on another level right now
  2. I gotta tell ya, a younger me would have smacked you if you told me the AL leaders were facing off in a crucial May series and it was the Rays and Os lol. Os need to take these next 2
  3. Don't worry I'm sure they'll rebound in their next series against a much easier oppon... oh nevermind
  4. Yeah it’s part of why he said he’s not worried about wrapping it and his sponsors aren’t either. He said he knows that wraps don’t sell products. I think it’s definitely an advantage to blend in and not have it wrapped. Good rule in the elites Anyway, he’s in 5th in points now
  5. He already said he's gonna get someone else to do the same idea of that wrap with his followers faces on the boat lol. I still can't believe it and I also like it without it but it'd be cool to see that too.
  6. Talk about a way to be hooked for life! That smile on his face says it all.
  7. Ended up 62nd. No money but decent points. Think he'll be about 6th or 7th in standings a third of the way through. Powell Kemp has this thing all but locked up on his home lake.
  8. Well, hey, I learned something new today
  9. Did anyone see what the deal ended up being for McBeth? Did he just have 5 for 11-8?
  10. Got 5 at least. Will make for an interesting day tomorrow. Let's see this 11 pounder now lol
  11. I'm with you on your thinking but I'm guessing you could have guessed that. I know it sounded like he got his butt whooped in the practice session so we'll see if that holds any weight come weigh ins today. Early look on BassTrakk sure makes it seem like 1 good fish might be all he needs with a limit.
  12. So sorry, man. That post hits hard ? And just for her, a fitting walk-off at Fenway the night she left you. Condolences.
  13. Brass clacker. IMO, you don't need it. Bullet weight, bead, swivel, and you're all set. If you really wanna simplify I've seen people just put bobber stops below the bullet weight and not even have to use a bead/swivel or leader. Good luck!
  14. Guys, it doesn't matter. Ben won. If he keeps winning or not will support what either of you have to say. Who cares in the grand scheme of things lets just enjoy watching some tourneys
  15. Absolutely not. Busch latte in one of the fancy fish cans they've got. Just meant to be lol
  16. It will not be the last time I use that recipe. That's for sure.
  17. My kids hammered some sunnies Friday and we beer battered um for dinner Saturday. Nothing my son likes to eat more than fish he caught himself and I love having them help me and see where our food can come from.
  18. I just knew you were gonna crush it today. Fantastic! Congrats on all those wonderful looking fish
  19. Also, he said he's guessing Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday for the vids to release. 1 for each day of the tourney
  20. Hope you're rippin some lips, @ol'crickety!
  21. Been there and it doesn't get much worse. No words really help so I'll just say I'm sorry you lost him and I hope you can remember all the amazing times that make the loss so difficult. Enjoy your morning tomorrow.
  22. Last night I went back to the same pond I caught the big girl at. Weather wasn't right and I figured it might be a struggle. Threw around some different baits without any luck before I decided to pull this exact move with basically these exact results lol. Caught a little 1 pounder and then one that had to be last years fry it was so small. Got to show the pup 2 fish though and he was all excited about that but thought he could eat their tails haha. Back at it tomorrow when the weather should have them fired up and eating.
  23. 45 mins to get er done tonight. Got a couple tugs on a brush hog but didn’t connect. Came up empty with a jerkbait. Got the buzzbait out for the first time this year and had the most vicious strike I’ve ever had in my life. The fight had me thinking she was 7-8 pounds. Jumped twice. Put on a show. Got her to dry ground and still thought she was gonna be 6. Too short. Just really filled out. 4.76 and if you can’t tell by the pic I’ll take that all day!
  24. Like I was saying ?. Thought I had my PB for a bit but she was just a filled out girl. Not long enough. First fish on the new scale and on the booyah buzzbait.
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