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Everything posted by hokiehunter373

  1. Megabass 110 A-rigs Andddd now a popmax ?
  2. If you've got $250 then I'd go the stradic route as mentioned. If you want to spend less look at the Daiwa BG or Tatula
  3. MH/F as said above. Length dependent on your preference
  4. I'd say you can flip and pitch to spots you don't need to punch through. There are some spots you have to punch through that flipping and pitching doesn't work. I.e: I can flip and pitch a dock without needing to get through matted grass. But flipping and pitching a big mat won't be as effective as punching through it.
  5. Yup, that’s more the size I saw lol. That last one had quite the appetite!
  6. I saw someone catch one smaller just the other day. I have absolutely no idea how he did it lol. I need to find the pic
  7. These answers are exactly what I've found to be true. I've got the same green slimy crap in every pond I fish. Seems like no matter what you do, you're picking snot off every cast. Weightless and weedless have been the best options I've found. I have good luck with spinnerbaits as well. I'm ready for the top water bite to heat up so I don't have to deal with that junk as much.
  8. My weakness is just not having enough time. Between the wife, kids, hunting, work, other responsibilities, I'm lucky to just get out for 45 mins a couple times a week before it gets dark after the kids get to bed. That's just on a couple nearby ponds. I'm trying to make it work but man it makes it tough to figure things out.
  9. I looked for my local ponds and they're not on there but one of the bigger lakes I've just had no idea where to get started on is and that's going to give me some confidence to finally get out there. Thanks
  10. Not to hijack the thread but care to share more about this? Do you use an app?
  11. I agree, barely felt a thing with the 2nd one. Do as recommended below, hydrate like crazy, and you should be good to go. I had 0 issues after the 2nd.
  12. I'm no expert but I went through a similar search as it sounds like you're doing and landed on the Daiwa BG 2500 as recommended above. So far, it's been amazing. Absolutely love it and will buy more when I add to my collection.
  13. That's what I'm finding too. My local ponds seem to have muck and slime year round. It's a real PITA
  14. And I'd imagine less fishing pressure contributes as well
  15. I was new to a baitcaster last year. I got back into the sport mid summer before a family trip to a lake. I didn't have time to properly learn so I dove in and got an SLX DC. I love that thing and would highly recommend it. The only time I backlash is if I do something stupid. I'm about to purchase another baitcaster and was looking at the daiwa tatula sv but think I'm just going to get the daiwa fuego instead. Save $100 and learn to really cast properly with a reel that's still forgiving and seems to outcast it's pricepoint. Sorry, I know that doesn't touch on the two reels you mentioned but it's just what I've found in my experience and search so far.
  16. Same here. 2nd shot of Pfizer for my wife and I on 4/9. She was fine after dose 1. I had a headache the next morning and felt nauseous for the day but was otherwise fine.
  17. Any chance you know how long this sale is going for?
  18. I also live in Westminster. Just got back into fishing last year and haven't hit the reservoirs yet. Have no idea where to start on a place to go. Have just been pond fishing besides an occasional trip to Western MD. Good luck this year.
  19. And I’m assuming you’re just running lighter line on your spinning rod?
  20. I really appreciate this response and thanks for touching on the Cadence rod. I try to stick with worms for my boy (for now) for the exact reason you mention but sometimes he wants to fish like dad. He loves to bring fish home to eat so we try to hammer some bluegills that way. I'll definitely check out the rods you mentioned.
  21. Thanks for the responses. I feel a little more confident I'm on the right track as my note to myself for what I thought I need to add is: "Add a frog rod (7.5' fast heavy) Add a treble hook rod (7' medium moderate - 5.4 gear ratio)" Does anyone have input on the best use for my light, moderate fast spinning rod? Is it too light for bass? Can I get away with it for bass by tossing lightweight lures? Is moderate fast going to be enough strength to punch ned rig/plastic/drop shot hooks through or would it be best to stick to top water and small/shallow cranks? Thanks! Which spinning rod are you referring to?
  22. Trust me I'd love to do exactly that but between work and 2 kids under 4 with short daylight hours time is limited. I'm in Carroll County. Let me know if you think you can still be of help.
  23. Growing up I loved fishing but was basically given a spinning rod and told to cast and retrieve. That was it. Then I got caught up in girls, sports, school and didn’t fish for the better part of 12 years or so. Last year I picked up a rod again basically to get my kid into it and my passion is reignited. I still have my trusty ol ugly stick spinning rod from back in the day. It’s a 6’0” medium action that states it’s good for 6-15# line and 1/8-5/8 oz lures. Doesn’t say the powe. It certainly needs to be respooled. Since then I also acquired the following two setups: - Cadence CR5 6’6” light, moderate fast spinning rod. 4-8# line, 1/16-3/8 oz lures. Paired with a -Daiwa BG 2500 spinning reel, 5.6:1. I’ve got 6# fluro on it currently AND -Berkley Lightning Casting Rod, 7’0”, medium heavy, fast. 10-20# line, 1/2-1 oz lures. Paired with a -Shimano SLX DC baitcasting reel, 7.2:1 I’ve got 12# mono on it currently I’ve watched a TON of videos the last 9 months and read as much as I can. I want to get back into the sport doing things right and teaching my kids correctly, if they’d like to learn. I primarily bank fish ponds. I don’t have a boat or kayak. 1 or 2 times a year, maybe 3 if I’m lucky, I’ll be able to get out to Western MD to fish deep creek lake and the Youghiogheny River. My questions for everyone are: 1) how would you use the 3 setups mentioned above? What lures would you throw on which? What would you change? 2) what rigs would you add to my arsenal? Thanks in advance for any input! Been lurking on the site for a while soaking in all I can.
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