Got served some humble pie last night. Wanted to try some stuff besides what's been working for me this year so I started off with the frog. No dice. Threw a swim jig around. Nothing doing on that either. So got the drop shot out and caught one. Had a couple short strikes but the evening was looking bleak. Switched back to the frog and was working the edge. Of course I had a good blow up right as I paused to itch my face. Clumsily tried to set the hook while the rod came out of my hand and I missed the fish. Continued with the frog with no other luck. Had a hard runner on the drop shot but it must not have ever had the hook. Hour in and only half an hour of light left. I figured I should try the wacky rig which I haven't thrown in a while. Got 2 pretty quick but they were just little ones. Made a frustrated chuck to the middle of the pond and was waiting for it to sink. Reeled up my line and there wasn't a tick, wasn't movement, but it just seemed tense. Made a weird hookset because I wasn't sure what was going on and didn't expect anything because of how the night had gone and felt a pull like I'd never felt before. I had the rod bowed over hard, 6# line so I'm just trying to keep it tight and let the fish work. She's running to my left and peeling drag. 2 or 3 seconds in and the fish makes a hard turn to head straight away from me to the center of the pond and the reel is just screaming. Half a second after that she's gone. My hook and senko came back to me. I didn't snap off, hook wasn't bent out, worm was passed over the hook an additional time, and I'm wanting to snap a rod in disbelief of what happened. My guess is I basically hit the fish when I cast and it picked it up right after impact on the water. My only mistake was my half-a$$ed hookset and I guess when the fish redirected whatever bit of skin I had was able to come free. There are no catfish in this pond that I'm aware of; there are snappers, which I've never caught so I don't know how they feel when you hook one. I didn't get a single look at whatever it was and I guess part of me is hoping it was a snapper to avoid the heartbreak lol but I'll never know. If it was a bass it was an absolute giant that would have destroyed my PB, I'm sure of that. So I fished the senko a bit more with no luck and decided to break out the dark sleeper which I haven't fished in a while either. First cast and 3 or 4 pounder crushed it. I've got it 3/4 of the way back to me, it jumps and spits the lure. I'm boiling. Cast again and a dink hits it, that one comes off too. At this point, all I can do is laugh. That seemed to help as the next 2 casts resulted in fish which means the dark sleeper got hit on 4 consecutive casts. So I ended the night on a positive note but man I hope I don't have a night like that again for a while.