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  1. E-H's post in Solo launching Jon Boat with no ramp and a small drop off and sand...Would this work? was marked as the answer   
    Lots of great ideas.  I think I am going to go with this dolly.
    It's under $100 and will serve a few purposes.  Launching the boat was never a problem.  I detach the trailer and walk the boat down and can easily pull the empty trailer up the hill/sand.
    Multi-solution with the dolly:
    1.  I should be able to retrieve the boat on the dolly with any kind of leverage - if not I will just strap (or 2 straps on the handles) to the dolly, then to my hitch (using an S clip to my hitch in the hole) and just drive 10ft straight ahead.
    2.  I store the front deck made of heavy aluminum in a small cabin that is about 50 to 75' away.  I can use the dolly to take it over there and put the boat together and then launch.  I may be able to do that on the retrieve too, depending on that weight and how well the dolly works.  I may have to take those pieces out before retrieval.  Anyway it will save me carrying them when launching for sure.
    3.  I lock the boat up in the woods down a path until I return every week or so in the summer.   It will be much easier to maneuver to/from back there to lock it/retrieve it.  No car involved at all.
    Appreciate all the input as always.  I started with a trailer extension but this dolly with the ball on it and the nice big, wide wheels should do the trick.  Easy, inexpensive and quick solution.  I can even leave the dolly up there in the cabin so I don't have to haul it but 2 times - Spring and early Fall.
  2. E-H's post in Cancelled the Daiwa Fuego 2500. I need a good lightweight spinning reel for the victory 610MLXF was marked as the answer   
    All - Just pulled the trigger on the Daiwa Procyon LT 2500D-CXH  for a good price.
    Thanks for all the help everyone.  My quest for 2 good rod/reel setups is complete....
    A little more than I originally was planning on, but I tend to go a little on the higher-end so I have no regrets or doubts.
    Heading to the lake in a couple of weeks.  Can't wait!
  3. E-H's post in Rod for newly purchased fuego 2500? Similar to Avid X without breaking the bank was marked as the answer   
    Ok - I just went ahead and got the St. Croix Victory 6'10" MLXF.  It was only $30 more than the others I was considering for $150.  I think that's worth it.
    Thanks all for the input.  Now I am set with 2 great rods and reels.  USA built and nice warranty on the rods.
    This rod is only 3.1 oz.  I catch up to 100 bass in a day (mostly smaller ones), so the lightweight with good casting distance will do the trick on both avid x and victory.
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