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Everything posted by E-H

  1. Thanks for the info. I hope since I am used to the 5' 6" ultra light stuff I can set the hook well enough. Topwater should be fun and the extra sensitivity for ned rigs might be good also. I will keep my mind on setting the hooks as strong as I can. Are you planning on keeping yours? Just curious if you are going to keep using for different things.
  2. If it were me....I would use a 1/8 or other small spinner - maybe yellow or white on about 6lb mono. That would reflect well through the muck and you can catch almost everything with it. For the cats - the old stinky chicken liver....but honestly I would not go that route....Can't stand that smell or dealing with that kind of bait. ?
  3. You are killing me... ?I got it a few days ago. I am used to ultra light gear so hopefully I can manage. Not sure what the return policy is where I got it. I want to give it a shot first though. I have the avid x 6’6” too MLF. Keep in mind I typically catch close to 100 fish a day in a private lake and most are 1lb smb. Some 3-4lb but not many of those in there. How does the rod cast? Good distance? I upgraded my ultra light stuff for more distance when they start jumping at the hatch in the summer.
  4. All - Just pulled the trigger on the Daiwa Procyon LT 2500D-CXH for a good price. Thanks for all the help everyone. My quest for 2 good rod/reel setups is complete.... A little more than I originally was planning on, but I tend to go a little on the higher-end so I have no regrets or doubts. Heading to the lake in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!
  5. I am sure the Fuego LT would have been fine but I am leaning toward either the Procyon LT or new Ultegra. And good to know the weight at 7.2 balances well with the rod. Yep - Just looking at the specs....The Procyon LT looks more in lines to my vanford 3000 with gear ratio etc..too. It will be nice to have both reels close in most aspects.
  6. Wow. Looks like a great reel. Same price essentially as the Procyon LT 2500.
  7. :-). I wish. I only need 2 solid setups. Ok -Only can afford 2 solid setups ?
  8. So I am leaning toward the Procyon LT 2500 at this point for the Victory 6'10"MLXF. Any other suggestions? I have read countless reviews on so many reels it's become nauseating and I just need to decide. Appreciate all the info.
  9. Thanks for the info. I am sure they would be fine too just want a trouble-free solid light-weight reel under 150 to go with the Victory rod. That thing is so stinkin' light. It's very similar to the Avid X. Excited about getting the reel for it and getting to the lake...
  10. Yep - the Procyon LT or Exceler seem like good options. I just typed that above again. Looking for those type of reels. I have a Carbonlite 2.0 in 1000 and it's fine , but I want to move to the 2500 as I have lost a few larger bass on the 4lb test on that reel.
  11. Multiple people who own the Fuego LT talked about the issue - from actual owners - including Randy above (who has given me solid advice in the past). And no I don't believe everything I read. C'mon man. It's a known issue and so is the line lay issue. Seems the Fuego LT, which I decided against has more flex than most. Just looking for something solid. I like the Vanford so far but haven't fished with it much yet. Something similar - light weight that is a good long-term reel in the 150 range - not over 200. I will never mention the word "Pxxxxxc" again around here. ? Didn't realize it was a hot-topic. Going back to the topic at hand - I like the Procyon LT and Exceler as options as mentioned from new2BC4bass on the first post. Those are definitely contenders for the price.
  12. I just read it had flex due to the plastics. So a plastic with no flex would be fine and without known line lay issues.
  13. I have a 6’6” AvidX. The victory is 6’ 10. Just switched it in the description. The Daiwa Fuego I ordered was from a different place. I don’t use Amazon and try to buy local or smaller places. I just read it had more flex and it was due to more plastic construction. I don’t know anything other than that. I just was pointing out that I would prefer something that will last. The line lay issue is the other reason I leaned against the Fuego LT. If the Vanford is “plastic” than I don’t have a problem with that ratio or whatever. Again - just want something that will last a long time and will stay smooth on casts and retrieves and drag.
  14. Thanks! Both very good options. Is this true? That price is incredible if it is.
  15. I had ordered the Daiwa Fuego but even though the shop said it was in stock, it wasn't. I cancelled the order after a few days. Back and forth about which reel to go with the Victory 610MLXF for SMB. 2500 is probably the size I am looking into. Looking for something "similar" to the Vanford 3000 with a bit less cost. Less than the C14 too if possible. Should be lightweight (under 8 oz) to match the rod which comes in at just over 3 oz. I have researched forever and thought the Fuego was going to be it, but it is plastic and if I am going to spend $100 + I want it to last. And I heard about the line loading issue (unbalanced). Other alternatives? Mostly topwater (80% in the summer), ned, crank....typical stuff. No fish over 4lbs where I go and only SMB ranging from 9" to 18". The Tatula is a little more than I want to spend too...although tempting.
  16. Ugh - Could have saved $15 - but it already shipped. Appreciate it though.
  17. Ok - I just went ahead and got the St. Croix Victory 6'10" MLXF. It was only $30 more than the others I was considering for $150. I think that's worth it. Thanks all for the input. Now I am set with 2 great rods and reels. USA built and nice warranty on the rods. This rod is only 3.1 oz. I catch up to 100 bass in a day (mostly smaller ones), so the lightweight with good casting distance will do the trick on both avid x and victory.
  18. Also considering going up to the victory line. A little more but I want to make sure it's comparable to the Avid X. Supposed to be a great rod. If I am going 150 another 40 might be worth it for that top quality. Too may choices....I know that opens up an entire different set of possible rods. I will mostly be using topwater and rapala raps, with occasional ned and senko. I have read different things on which rating/speed is better for topwater and cranks. Confused. I went ML/F on the avid x but haven't been able to use it much yet.
  19. Thanks. XF vs F ok for topwater? Thanks. I will look at the Fenwick. Those specs work.
  20. Thanks. Do you have still others in the price range you like better? If I am going to spend over $100 I want to make sure I am getting something I want to keep for a long time. Avid X is my other rod, so I don't want to be disappointed when switching out. What do you like about it? And what do you primarily use on it? I will only be fishing for smalleys essentially.
  21. So has anyone used the premier split grip from BPS? I am leaning towards that rod 6’6” MF or MLF.
  22. I saw that one in my research but forgot about it. Not as promoted as the others it seems. Thanks. Will check it out. I see it's touted as a walleye rod. Not sure if that matters or not.
  23. I hadn't looked at those. They are jumpers for sure....I will check the Fenwick out. Thanks.
  24. Thanks. I did look at those at one point. Not sure XF for topwater though. Good for the money for sure.
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