I had ordered the Daiwa Fuego but even though the shop said it was in stock, it wasn't. I cancelled the order after a few days.
Back and forth about which reel to go with the Victory 610MLXF for SMB.
2500 is probably the size I am looking into. Looking for something "similar" to the Vanford 3000 with a bit less cost. Less than the C14 too if possible.
Should be lightweight (under 8 oz) to match the rod which comes in at just over 3 oz.
I have researched forever and thought the Fuego was going to be it, but it is plastic and if I am going to spend $100 + I want it to last. And I heard about the line loading issue (unbalanced).
Other alternatives? Mostly topwater (80% in the summer), ned, crank....typical stuff. No fish over 4lbs where I go and only SMB ranging from 9" to 18".
The Tatula is a little more than I want to spend too...although tempting.