Just finished an amazing evening/next morning and afternoon lake trip with my new gear.
I picked up about 90 SMB on the mile long lake. 2 were over 2 lbs and many in the 12" range, which is pretty good for the lake.
Impressions on my new gear.
Avid X - 6' 6" MLF with the Vanford 3k - loved it - the feel was great and the casting was very good. Had no trouble hooking anything. I started doing a 2 handed cast with the split grip and got pretty accurate after some practice. I did hit a few shoreline trees due to the extended casting distance. Overall the rod was great and the reel was good. Did use the drag a couple of times and it was good. I did notice the reel made a little noise at various times when reeling in. It went away next cast.
Victory 6' 10 MLXF with the procyon 2500. Very similar to the gear above. I was using a Ned on this one for a while and had no trouble hooking some 14-15" SMB. The reel was definitely comparable to the vanford. I did have to tighten the reel on the rod a few times - I think I must move it when I cast as it tightens from the bottom up. I liked the avid x better in that regard as it tightens from above. I didn't have to tighten at all. I did notice I missed a few fish in the afternoon when I switched to a spinner on the victory- could have been they were a little less aggressive mid afternoon, or the issue that Tom had mentioned about it being a little too soft on the top. I did not have the problem with the avid x and caught about 50+ on the spinner - even smaller ones.
I had a blast and think I did better because I could cast more accurately and reach about 20ft or so further with my new gear. The water is clear and being further away definitely helped when trying to reach them on shore - they were still in spawn mode.
After trying a bunch of different lures and things, I wound up going with a 1/8 spinner and they killed it. I did use the original rapala minnow floater and got 11 on it. The hatch isn't out yet, so the topwater will be a little later in the summer. I did flash the spinner by a 15"er and she followed it but stopped. My boat was too close. She was 8ft deep. I swapped over to my other victory rod that had the ned rig on it. Dropped it about 5 feet further away from my boat. I saw her dart over and grab it. Pretty cool. One of the better fish I caught. Nearly 2 lbs.
Overall one of the best trips I had.
Summary - Avid x - fantastic. Vanford - great. Victory rod - good. Procyon - great.
Lures - Spinner 1/8 killed it 70+ fish on it overall. Ranging from 5" to 17". 11 on the rapala minnow - 7" to 12". 3 on the ned. 10" to 16".
Other lures - swimbaits - nothing, jigs - nothing.
Apparently these SMB like the shiny stuff the best. They were darting at the spinners like no tomorrow. The rapala floating minnow will be best in the evenings starting in July. I killed them on that late last summer.
Happy fishing everyone. So glad the fish in upstate NY have decided to finally get hungry. Next trip in a few weeks.