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Everything posted by huZZah

  1. Awesome thanks
  2. I’m in Texas and it occasionally gets hot. We have several lakes that will be down 20-40ft during severe droughts. The low water disrupts everything, not just the heat. I mean life finds a way, but TPWD tends to close it off and let the ecosystem recover. Restock and such later. It has happened to our local lakes at least 4 times in my life. So the low water level will certainly make a difference. How much? Who knows?
  3. I gotcha. I certainly don’t feel bad for any professional anything that claims they don’t like the fame or pressure or whatever. You like it just fine when you’re winning...
  4. Any advice on what to look for in a good guide? I’m thinking of taking my sons fishing with a guide just to have a great trip and catch lots of fish. Not sure really what to look at other than reviews. I don’t want someone that will be miserable to be around if we aren’t pros. But I also want my kids to see someone that really knows fishing working.
  5. What’s cable tv?
  6. Maybe the lesson is more about remembering they’re people too. Everyone has a bad day, everyone gets petty, everyone has failures. I’m sure anyone used to success finds failure overly harsh. I’ve met some “Titans” in my field that are absolute jerks. I was shocked until I remembered not everyone is as awesome as they seem in my head. Same is true the other way.
  7. Every social media app is a security risk. Opening your door is a security risk. Every kid with a cell phone is on TikTok. Like everything else, there’s horrible stuff but it’s mostly stupidly harmless. I’ve rarely seen on that makes my IQ higher.
  8. Agree. Personally, I prefer throwing spinners/buzzbaits from a 7’ spinning rod. And I still prefer my wacky rig on spinning for some reason.
  9. Same. Although I have never noticed a measurable difference between them. Honestly, I’ve only ever noticed a difference if I go drastically different colors.
  10. Keep in mind it works the other way too. There are also a ton of really good positive influences on YouTube/the internet. It’s just that they don’t get nearly the attention. (Dude Perfect, the box fort guys, etc are examples of great things my kids love.). I let my son watch Roland Martin videos and bassresource with me. I pre-screen but they tend to be very family friendly, funny, and informative. Roland Martin reminds me of my dead great uncle so it’s enjoyable to tell my son stories while we watch. There are other fishing videos that just use too much language for me to be comfortable.
  11. My son and I’ve caught plenty of fish off $1 wal mart spinners... The buzz baits are $2-$3 and work fine. The skirts are junk but I like your thinking. Gonna have to try it as well.
  12. I think it’s important to learn fishing vs catching. It’s the same as consolation ribbons. We are raising generations that can’t handle adversity. The slightest difficulty and they quit. Imagine fire fighters or doctors that give up if it’s hard. Getting skunked is part of it. Life’s full if disappointments. Gotta learn to cope, deal, and move on.
  13. I’m with you. Most of my kids friends have cell phones and tablets with little to no supervision or controls. We have had to have numerous difficult conversations about it. I won’t let them play Nintendo/computer online (other than cousins) simply because of the chat. They’re 7 and 10. I don’t feel I’m stunting my kids social growth at all. Exactly the opposite. My wife and I are both teachers, and we gave to deal with these schmucks daily. And their parents. Good for you.
  14. To wrong the fantasy fishing people. He told me in a dream.
  15. Same as resting players when teams have made playoffs. People get so angry when the coach is thinking long term. Fans are so funny. You haven’t asked him why he didn’t weigh, but you have no problem dropping him cause he “could” cost you fantasy prize money? FANTASY. Lol. I don’t recall him calling saying “go with me and you’ll win that FANTASY pool.”
  16. This. I mean, you can over-read over-think it. Speaking personally here. I usually end up just fishing while I contemplate the Astro-physics of it. There isn’t really any definitive research every been done on a regional basis because there’s too many variables. But everyone has an opinion. If you think it’s because of a harsher winter, then it is.
  17. Same. Since not all rods are equal, go more for what you expect to do when you hook a fish. I like to chatter bait like a jig, since that’s what it is.
  18. I have to agree that night fishing, especially pitch black, is excellent for learning the feel of these things. I also don’t think that I feel more from floro than the braid. Seems I’m more aware at night or in 30 mph wind when I can’t watch. Not when I’ve changed line.
  19. Thanks everyone. I’m a nerd so I made a list.
  20. Well, Personally I use straight 30# braid for what you’re doing. I can’t wrestle a fish out otherwise and I’m strictly bank right now. But otherwise I think your setup is fine.
  21. What is “heavy cover?” Veggies? Wood? Rock? Docks? I only ask cause I have a similar rod setup I use for swim jigs/baits and I avoid any cover but grass cause it’s almost a guaranteed loss if it gets hung up. But I also have never used a 5/0 hook in any cover.
  22. Local bait shops have big bins. They send it off when full. Guy working told me to Berkeley cause if you are sending enough they pay the shipping. No clue if that’s true or not, but it’s nice to have the bin.
  23. I fish almost exclusively straight braid amd use double uni and palomars depending on the lure size. A few issues I’ve learned: 1. Wet the knot. Some people say not necessary but I have only had knots slip that I forgot to lick. 2. Braid knots under about 30# will totally slip out if most hook eyes, or get snagged in the little opening and fray/break. I superglue my small knots just in case. 3. Braid is strong, especially in high #’s, but it’s not unbreakable. Especially the 17 and down. I find myself often fighting for a jig that I would have waded out to cut if it were not braid. 4. I am very bad about not checking my braid for abrasions. And then I cast and sometimes (rarely) it will just go flying cause it was torn/ripping and I didn’t see it. The whip of the cast puts a lot of pressure when it’s pulling out of the reel. Hope it helps.
  24. Oh gosh, my favorite lews rod is md heavy 7’. $50-$60 Walmart.
  25. I like any Lews 7’ medium heavy to heavy for bigger spinner bait/cranks. But I like my 6’6” Daiwa medium for smaller crank baits, especially lipless. Left off the models cause I agree that you gonna like what you like. (I once tried a $100 Abi Garcia rod and hated it. Despise it still.) I also agree that if you stay in certain brands you can find anything you looking for.
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