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Everything posted by huZZah

  1. I’m bank only. Yes it’s warmer, but everything but the buzzbait worked for me all winter. Especially the swim baits and cranks.
  2. Shallow crank baits (lipless and squarebill) are great for me right now. Buzzbaits have been more productive than spinners. Shaky head and dropshot better than T rig. Carolina rig also better currently. Even swimbaits and jigs have worked better than T rig all month.
  3. Inline spinner. I was little and My grandad took me fishing.
  4. I use it more than any other. Double Uni is fine, but I like how the trilene is a double wrapped knot on the lure and the tag end faces away when pulling it through muck and grass. I haven’t had the knot fail. It’s also easy to tie. I use Palomar on hooks and swivels.
  5. Lol same. I can’t stand cold weather anyway, but for the most part I can still fish throughout. That just sucks for y’all.
  6. I have 20lb Yozuri braid to 12lb floro and my Alberto only gets snagged when I roll the rod over to get goop off a hook. 7 wraps up and 7 down in the knot. Goes through eyes fine. It’s my shaky head/light jig rig. If I were doing anything with moving baits I’d go straight braid.
  7. It’s an interesting question considering I doubt you want to drink water with WD40 in it. And if everyone did this...
  8. To me, it’s frog or jig territory. A jig with a large creature bait, start heavy and work your way back lighter. Just need to get down through the veggies. The problem with weightless worms is they mostly just sit in the veggies and fish don’t notice them as easily. I would do at least 1/4 to 3/16oz weighted T rig to try to get through it. But a large wavy trailer I think is most important part. But in heavy salad, top water is awesome because the big fish have just as much trouble down in the forest as you do. They know they can get things easy on the surface.
  9. What you tell your son when he walks in... ...while attempting to give him a brother.
  10. Zyrtec is also good for people that can’t take Claritin. Zyrtec D has the Decongestant. I got allergy shots for years as a kid. Now I just take Zyrtec when I feel it coming on and I’m good.
  11. Still startles me
  12. If most of us want this, eventually we cancel each other out....?. Halvesies?
  13. Buddy had to do this. He went back to his truck, took a rest, called me, and when I got there we romped and got his kayak. Dude was exhausted. And it was a mile at least lol. But it’s so rare that you don’t see/feel it coming he still loves his kayak. That was a rare event. Ive done it for my hardcore bike friend as well. Got down the hills riding, freak rain, I had to come help slog his bike back up a couple miles. That one sucked. He was out the next week when it reopened.
  14. Option C is just throw the leash I mean phone away and go fishing. I’m in a habit of “forgetting” mine all the time now. Hate that thing. But seriously, a dedicated ATT store will be able to help you. I’ve used a phone I got from a friend before. It’s no big deal they do it all the time.
  15. Very much depends on what puts me at the water just before sunrise.
  16. Yum 10” ribbon tail in red/purple is a fav. Zoom trick worms, but also a big ribbon tail of any brand. I also use the Big Bite squirrel tail. I’ve been less than impressed and I really like big bites products. The squirrel tail is very thin so it only works on small (1/16 or less) heads. And looking at the action of it in shallow water...idk. I was disappointed. I use it more as a small Carolina or drop shot now. And boy does it work for those.
  17. I get cheapie ball head jigs at wal mart. 1/4 oz or lighter, never heavier (I’m bank bound). Screw head or not doesn’t matter to me honestly. I kinda get tired of dealing with screwing it on. Destroys my worm if you get snagged/bites/catch fish. But I have some Big Bites ball heads left as well. Their bait keeper is little and I kinda like it. You can actually change the worm out without wasting one.
  18. I got no problem with electric. But without the infrastructure it’s a non-issue. I have a truck to tow a trailer and camper. What good is it if my range towing is 100 miles per charge per day? And that’s if it was even that good and I could find a charging station on the way. Solar seems a viable option to charge while driving. But not in its current state. My only gas lawn equipment is self propelled mower. Cause it would take 3-4 batteries or a d**n long cord. Just stupid. But I love my battery everything else. No oil to mess with, no fumes, not nearly as loud, haven’t had one problem in 5 years with my weed eater or blower. Just not enough moving parts to break I guess. The renewable vs non debate is just stupid. Wait long enough and renewable obviously wins. People fighting against it just amuses me. Better luck telling the moon to power your home...since the sun already can...
  19. After years away, when I came back to fishing I put 30lb braid on my BC. It was a smart move. Easy to pull the bird nest out, easy to cast with it tightened down while I got my thumb memory back. The bird nests didn’t compromise the line after me pulling.
  20. Zoom Trick worms in bubblegum on a shaky head. The dirtier the water the better, and I usually hose it with garlic or craw scent.
  21. Watermelon red flake worm. Swim baits it’s any color white.
  22. Google has a “thing” to register your website so that it will come up locally when people google photography or senior pictures. I’ve had numerous friends start side photography businesses. Only a couple still do it because the others undervalued themselves or overvalued their expenses. Bought too much gear and never made money back for it. Ok, no offense intended here: Be professional. Set times for shoots. Just because you’re a side business doesn’t mean you’re not a business. People pay you for your time. If they’re late, they’re late. Time still ends when you agreed upon. If you’re late, you’re bad. This is one of the things that kills me about side business people. If you really want to grow it as a business be polite, professional, and freaking hold up your end. And don’t let people treat you like you’re friends. Don’t do touch ups and stuff for free. It’s hours of your time. And if they want wal mart quality photos, they can go to wal mart. You’re a professional. Be mindful of what you can write off on taxes. It can really help you. I don’t like people that blur the line or just lie because they won’t get audited, but you will have legitimate things available to write off. Remember that. Take advantage of it. Don’t let people take advantage of you. There’s no need to be rude if you’re professional. And if people are horrible to you, feel free to bill them for what you’ve done and walk away. Sending them to collections is a pain but you’ll win nearly every time. Insult to injury ? Just my $.0002 from watching people fail at it. Edit: I’m also a gigging musician and composer. Very familiar with finding a value for my time and effort ?
  23. Don’t worry if you use spinning reels your whole life. Nobody that matters cares. ?
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