Google has a “thing” to register your website so that it will come up locally when people google photography or senior pictures.
I’ve had numerous friends start side photography businesses. Only a couple still do it because the others undervalued themselves or overvalued their expenses. Bought too much gear and never made money back for it.
Ok, no offense intended here:
Be professional. Set times for shoots. Just because you’re a side business doesn’t mean you’re not a business. People pay you for your time. If they’re late, they’re late. Time still ends when you agreed upon. If you’re late, you’re bad. This is one of the things that kills me about side business people. If you really want to grow it as a business be polite, professional, and freaking hold up your end. And don’t let people treat you like you’re friends.
Don’t do touch ups and stuff for free. It’s hours of your time. And if they want wal mart quality photos, they can go to wal mart. You’re a professional.
Be mindful of what you can write off on taxes. It can really help you. I don’t like people that blur the line or just lie because they won’t get audited, but you will have legitimate things available to write off. Remember that. Take advantage of it.
Don’t let people take advantage of you. There’s no need to be rude if you’re professional. And if people are horrible to you, feel free to bill them for what you’ve done and walk away. Sending them to collections is a pain but you’ll win nearly every time. Insult to injury ?
Just my $.0002 from watching people fail at it.
Edit: I’m also a gigging musician and composer. Very familiar with finding a value for my time and effort ?