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  1. @Ryan N you got turtles where you fish?
  2. Agree. 3/0 EWG makes me think Texas Rig.
  3. This is what I do (ignoring heavy cover): Have your drag on the tight side, but not locked down. Rod tip high with controlled slack. You want to be able to feel the lure/bite without affecting the movement of the lure. When you detect a bite, reel down. You want to feel the weight of the fish before you set. You don't need to set like you're Greg Hackney in his 20s. Reel down and pull. I can remember one time in 4 years of fishing that I had to set without reeling down. This was because the bass were spitting the senko incredibly quick. I use a Palomar knot for everything.
  4. Thank you for this!!
  5. I watch Greg Blanchard's channel and he typically does well in the Northern CA reservoirs from a kayak. When I read about the Southern CA reservoirs (around Los Angeles), all I read about is how the fishing is tough. Is there a significant difference between the lakes in the North of the state and the South (assuming the skill level of the angler is the same)? Are there any geographic or other differences that are critical to an angler's success in the South that would be different from the North?
  6. Thank you very much for this information!
  7. Could someone fill me in on what the Bass fishing is like in and around this area? I know that Castaic and Casitas are close, but are there other lakes that I could kayak, or ponds close to the city that would have bass?
  8. ^^
  9. Your drag is too tight.
  10. This is it! All of these colors are so close it is really hard to tell sometimes. The ones I have do have Blue flake and the bottom half does look like Watermelon. And yea, it is a great bluegill color. Probably explains the success I had yesterday considering the lake I was at does indeed have bluegill.
  11. Thank you! Thank you! There is green at the bottom. It almost looks like a laminate because the darker section is only half of the worm. Thank you!
  12. Anyone know the name of this color? Thanks!!
  13. Gamakatsu G-Finesse Series Wacky Jig Head
  14. Thank you very much for the information!
  15. I'm considering moving away from CA and I am curious about NW Arkansas. How is the Bass fishing around this area for someone with a kayak? I've read that Beaver Lake can be tough. Is Lake Dardanelle good for LMB? I know that Table Rock and Bull Shoals is kind of close. For anyone who has fished the CA Delta, how do these areas compare? Thanks!!
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