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  1. None in Southern Illinois (except one small creek I shall not name). Best bet is to cross over to Missouri near Cape Girardeau or Perryville for creek fish, or head to Kentucky lake. At one time they were stocking Kinkaid near Murphysboro, and I caught a few to 19.5", but that lake just has too much competition from LMB and didn't appear to have any successful spawns. Not sure if they are still doing that.
  2. Gravel points near deep water channel swings near the dam area on lakes in TX. Get used to fishing areas with boulders and gravel and not cover oriented.
  3. Find a boat ramp on one of the tributaries of west bay, north bay, east bay of the grand lagoon. Bring a canoe or kayak. Fish the salt grass beds and oyster bars on the bay itself. No tarpon, but redfish, seatrout, and catfish are abundant. I had a 26" redfish tow my solo canoe around for a bit last time I fished there. If you head far enough up the tribs you'll catch redfish and bass together if the tide is right.
  4. I can usually get them on spook style walking baits and ploppers early in the year. Northern fish tend to be more aggressive at colder temps compared to southern fish.
  5. I was wondering if they had seasonal migrations up the creek arms. From the looks of it, I would think the area around eastport would be more LMB habitat. I plan to chase some walleyes/white bass up the obey forks and try to find some brown fish out on points and gravel run outs in the obey arm. Should be good time to throw suspending stickbaits I think.
  6. I am booked to stay out of East Port marina March 13-18th. I am hoping to chase some smallmouth at some point. How far down lake would I need to go that time of year? Would I need to head past Sunset?
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