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E-rude dude

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Everything posted by E-rude dude

  1. I prefer Santone and Dirty jigs http://www.santonelures.com/store/store_product_detail.cfm?Product_ID=3&Category_ID=4 https://dirtyjigstackle.com/products.php?cat=47 you can skip them, swim them, bottom bounce them.
  2. Glock 43x Its ok. Not very easy to conceal. I only carry it when I feel it’s necessary.
  3. Somebody direct wired the dash and who knows what else. Or you have a mess of corroded wires crossing paths. The above suggestion is a good one. It could be simple or it could take a lot of time to find it.
  4. Hey guys I’m leaving for Breckinridge Co on Monday. Family reunion for my wife’s family. We rented a house. Blue River is close. I’m going to fish for fun in the mornings. I read the Colorado Regs but don’t really know the boundaries at all. As best I can decipher it’s artificial only and catch and release on certain parts. Which is fine I’m just out there to have fun. I’m packing an ultra lite and lite rod with 2000 spinning reels with 4 lb flouro. I have some Kastmaster spoons, rooster tails, ultra light spinner baits, marabou jigs, and trout size swim baits. Any and all advice about regs is appreciated. It’s been 40 years since I waded a trout stream.
  5. Summer deep suspended bass just after sunrise or just before sunset
  6. Some big boulders shallow around Snake Island. And they come up real fast if your not watching the gps/depth. Wouldn’t be the first time someone ran aground in the bays south of Sturgeon.
  7. Yes run the line thru the front of the eye first. It does give you some leverage and you find you hook them in the upper mouth more. Straight shank hooks work better but they need to be long shank.
  8. Either tie directly to the split ring or remove the split ring and tie directly to the bait with a Rapala knot.
  9. When it kinks, frays, or starts giving me problems. Which is about once a year.
  10. Buy what you can afford Also I think too much is made of a spinner bait running “true”. All the Pros say let it pause or give it a rod twitch to entice bass to bite. If that’s when they bite isn’t the bait off center for that instance and would it not take a turn or 2 of the reel to right itself? Just my 2 cents
  11. I caught a 42” northern pike on a super shad rad. Went to unhook it and the pike thrashed. I took a treble between the thumb and pointer finger. Right in the webbing of skin and flesh. I spent the next 5-10 minutes trying to stop the fish from thrashing and trying to cut the hook with side cutters. Eventually the pike thrashed so much the hook went all the way though. Being half in and half out of the water the pike finally calmed down and I was able to release it. Not sure it made it though. Cut the barb on the hook and pulled it out. My hand bleed a lot. Still kept fishing though. Lucky no real damage was done. Hurt like heck though.
  12. Zona did a show about this. He went shallow, very shallow.
  13. I get the being alone too. Still enjoy when the wife comes along though. I’m sure I do things that make her crazy too. She just doesn’t say anything.
  14. Go pro your first cast from the kayak standing please?
  15. Yep if you fish them enough you can tell by how far you pitch them also?
  16. So Ranger made a mistake, admitted they made a mistake, made you aware they made a mistake, and is paying to correct the mistake. But somehow this is wrong? p.s. Ranger does not manufacture Mercury motors.
  17. Setting up a motor and prop is time consuming and takes patience. I would only lift the motor on hole at a time. Try it out then decide to go up or not.
  18. Lift your motor one hole then report back ?
  19. Your in 2 prop territory like was mentioned above. I use one for me and one for a guest appearance. I have a 115 hp also. Smaller motors need help.
  20. Crawl under the vehicle and unplug the sensor or install a plug.
  21. You can get it in half pitch sizes now to really tune in performance. https://www.boatpropellerwarehouse.com/category/8128/spitfire-x7 They are putting 115 command thrust on bass boats turning 23-24 pitch props. You just have to get the right one. It takes trials.
  22. Until I watch Ott DeFoe put a toad on a buzzbait I didn’t know it was a big thing. Boy is it ever. You can launch that bait a mile.
  23. I look for shade that’s where they will be. Docks, lay downs, weeds, etc fish the edges and the holes
  24. Big Bass in WI inland lakes is anything over 4lbs. Jigs andvdocks is what I wait for all year long July and August. So hard to fish slow up here with our weedy lakes.
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