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E-rude dude

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Everything posted by E-rude dude

  1. Check your rod guides
  2. I’m fishing docks with jigs when its hot
  3. All leftovers are breakfast served with eggs
  4. Was this thread written by my wife? ? I carry so many baits it completely dizzying when trying to decide on what to use sometimes. It is by far my biggest weakness. My second biggest weakness is my willingness to change baits with so many aboard when the one I’m using isn’t working. Ive tried paring down every year. Then somehow the boat gets filled up again. I tell you it’s a sickness. A very expensive sickness.
  5. Your can buy 2 deep cycle 31M batteries for that price and run around all day. Just hook them up in parallel.
  6. Might want to google “problems” been a few issues with Ranger boats hulls cracking since the buy out.
  7. I had one repainted. If you find the right shop it looks nice. Forget the bottom of the hull though, that paint is expensive. Just do the sides and the transom.
  8. People gonna be people. What ya gonna do? I just sit back and watch the stupidity show for its entertainment value. Problem with confronting people like this (and I have) is as soon as you say something you realize that is exactly what “they” wanted. They live to be the victim of your “aggressive” behavior and can’t wait to tell you how rude “you” are. yeah I just wait them out. Life is full of idiots don’t become one of them.
  9. Anything over 2000 lbs should have brakes for safe highway towing. JMO
  10. Yep been used in walleye fishing for years
  11. If you thought it was going to die, why not just eat it.?
  12. Finally got the 1000 miles pre tow break in done. Went fishing yesterday. Towed 130 miles round trip. The Explorer did really well. The only difference from the F150 is you know the trailer is back there. My mpg was 18.1 @ 70 mph. My F150 averaged 18.3 mpg for the 3 years I owned it. I very impressed. That said My boat package being roughly 2750-2900 lbs with hydraulic brakes, I wouldn’t want to tow anything heavier at highway speeds. If you had told me a few years ago I could safely tow my boat with a 4 cylinder engine, I would have laughed at you.? Its amazing the technology today.
  13. Boats are not an investment, have never been an investment, and never will be an investment. Only spend what you can afford to lose. Financing a boat is a big mistake if you are spending over 20k. You will pay double the purchase price or sell it for a loss. If your lucky you break even. The biggest thing new boaters don’t know is the high operating costs of boat ownership. Gas, insurance, tackle, gear, and upkeep all cost money. A basic rule of thumb I’ve used over the years is this. The average operating cost is $1 for every horsepower per fishing trip over the time of ownership.
  14. Buy a couple 3/8oz and a couple 1/2oz jigs. Strike king hack attack are good jigs and can be bought just about everywhere. For gear you will need Medium Heavy casting rod Casting reel with 6.3:1 or higher gears (7:1 is better) 15# or higher line. Flouro or Mono A good method to start in open water or weed edges is cast out jig hold rod at 10 o’clock jerk rod to 12 o’clock and reel up slack. Watch your line for any movement. If it moves set the hook. When you go to jerk jig again if you feel weight set the hook. For dense weeds pitch jig into holes or areas where the weeds thin out a little. Pitch jig into area. Let hit fall. Watch your line for any movement. Watch the weeds for any movement, set the hook if you see or feel anything. Jiggle the jig or pop it up and down a few times. Retrieve it and pitch to a new spot. Jig fishing in the red hot summer is my favorite way to bass fish. After you get better at fishing with it. You might want to practice skipping it under docks too. Good luck.
  15. Are you using a glass bead?
  16. The job market was short workers before COVID. Nothing has changed
  17. Please don’t let a lil duckling bait be number one again?
  18. Water speedometers are useless pull it out and put in a digital gauge or a radio.
  19. I’ve spent thousands of dollars trying to prove you wrong. I will probably spend thousands more before I admit your right.
  20. Zona did a show at 1000 islands Lake Ontario in gin clear water. They were using pink and bright yellow baits. Don’t be afraid to mix it up. There are no rules.
  21. Over the years I’ve come to look at suspending Bass as the ones who already ate at the buffet. I go looking for the ones waiting in line.
  22. So many dirty jokes, so little time to get banned?
  23. Spool up with 20lb flouro or mono, or 50 lb braid. Fish can’t see the line in thick cover anyways. Weights or jigs should be 1/2 to 1-1/2 ounce. You thumb never leaves the spool. Never.
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