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Everything posted by Konajon

  1. I think modern convention says to work some flex into your setup somewhere but like anything it is a matter of opinion. For topwater baits, especially something that “walks” across the surface, I like a fast action rod and braided line. It makes me feel more connected to the lure and takes less effort when I do not lose anything to the flex in the rod or line.
  2. I have a 6’6 Medium action spinning rod that I still use regularly, has to be 20+ years old now.
  3. Check out the 13 Fishing Navigator 110.
  4. I also have a ranger net and never have issues with hooks.
  5. All a matter of opinion with no actual measure of superiority. I have been a Lund guy my entire life until it actually came time to purchase a boat where I saved thousands going with Crestliner.
  6. No one has mentioned Crestliner yet, they are another option for a welded aluminum hull.
  7. Look at the Fenwick HMG inshore rods, widest useable weight range I have found for a light saltwater rod. A Medium will throw 1/8oz up to 1oz which will cover everything from unweighted plastics to some “bigger” plugs. If you want something a”that can go heavier, take a look at the st croix mojo cat. I have the 8’ and it is an awesome inshore rod, throws 1/2oz to 3oz which covers anything unless you are throwing very large plugs.
  8. An 80lb motor will be more than enough for that boat. My main fishing location has one of the strongest tidal flows in the country (piscataqua river) and I have an 80lb terrova on my crestliner 1650 protiller and absolutely love it. I have never needed to set the speed higher than 7 and the batteries last all day.
  9. I am a fan of salad spoons, I have had very good luck with them. If I am fishing heavy weeds or lilly pads it is the first thing I will throw.
  10. Here is a little pickup I think is pretty cool, had these swim bait heads custom poured out of tin for use in lead free lakes.
  11. That is bigger than any spinnerbait in my box and none of my normal freshwater rods would be up to the task of throwing a 2oz bait. I would have to use my 8’ St Croix Mojo Cat that I use for stripers in the salt.
  12. Double uni is not the best option if you are putting it through the guides, as others have said try the fg.
  13. 1,2,3,4,5...6?
  14. First of a few orders coming in. The monkey is feasting as I build up my tackle box after 15 or so years away from fishing.
  15. Hello everyone, been on here for a bit but thought I would share a little. I grew up fishing with my dad here in NH for freshwater bass and saltwater stripers, but I have not really touched a rod in 15 or so years except for some surf fishing last year. I was paralyzed in a cycling accident last summer, so in my quest for hobbies I can still do I came back to my old love for fishing. I sold off all of the bikes and gear and purchased myself a tiller boat that gives me the room I need inside and cannot wait to get out on the water. Tackle purchasing has become like a second hobby through the winter, it has been fun adding to my old stuff I still have and seeing how things have changed through the years.
  16. Calcutta 200b and 400b... back in 03ish? I was 13 and my dad bought us matching setups. They are still hanging in the garage and I plan to fish them this year as I get back into it for the first time in 10+ years.
  17. Just picked up the new boat, it will be a dual duty salt and freshwater rig. I am paralyzed from the waist down and the tiller makes navigating the inside of the boat easier for me and gives me more space for the size.
  18. Check onthewater.com, they post a striper migration map
  19. Sounds like it was your fault for not having pliers? The logical solution to what you can do to prevent this from happening again is making sure you have what you need to release a fish before you make a cast.
  20. The new Ultegra looks to be quite the reel for less than $200, no need for anything more from the Shimano line unless you plan to use it in the salt.
  21. Guides can have damage not easily seen by eye. Run a cotton ball through them and if anything catches then that guide needs replacing.
  22. If the spool is overfilled it can cause knot issues. Did the shop cram as much line as possible onto the spool? Try stripping some line off the reel and see if it fixes your problem.
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