Basically my only place to go fish, is nearly unfishable simply because of the gunk in it. Its on the top, in the middle, and on the bottom. It was incredibly bad last summer, but winter helped it clear up a bit, however It is starting to come back though as the warmer weather comes in and is only going to get worse. It is not what fisherman would call "grass" but something closer to algae. I have tried treble hook baits just to see if it was not as bad as it seems, but as you would expect, they are unfishable. Spinnerbaits also catch a lot of algae so those are out. I have also tried jigs of all sorts, football heads, finesse jigs, and swim-jigs, but the only semi-successful one was a swim-jig (most of the gunk is on the bottom, so that could explain it). Texas rigs, Ned rigs, Tokyo rigs, and wacky rigs didn't work so well either, as the weights will bury down in it and snowball it up (weightless Texas rigs aren't heavy enough to punch through it so they just sit on top). It is still early for top-water in my region, so that wont be an option yet. As of this season in this pond, I have only caught one on a swim-jig (got lucky because it hit before I had to reel through a clump of it) and a couple on some old flounder fillets bait fishing. Any insight on how to catch fish here is highly appreciated.