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Everything posted by BBuck

  1. almost looks like a house.
  2. I use a wilderness systems heavy duty kayak cart for mine. Once it is on the cart properly, I've never had any issues with it. I'm short, 5'2" and the only problem I have with the 106 PDL is lining the kayak cart up under it at times. I think it's just my technique, but the cart slides as I'm trying to sit the kayak on top of it. I think I just need to get some small chalks or something for the wheels to fix that issue. Other than that, I love my kayak and will fish all day long in it with zero issues.
  3. Depending on how gnarly the stuff he's going to be fishing you could use anywhere from 40-65# braid, maybe even higher for the frog. 40# is the lightest I would go for that. The higher the # test, the less line he'll have so if it's for shorter casts the heavier stuff will be fine, but not as good if he wants to make long casts. I've got 15# braid on some of my finesse spinning setups too. PowerPro is good braid that doesn't break the bank. Have fun ripping lips.
  4. I like mono for most of my CB fishing, but I'm fishing pretty shallow most of the time (5 ft or less).
  5. I know it's more of a worm than a stick bait but Missile Baits "The 48" is made of a tougher plastic and is about the same size and close to the thickness of a Senko It is better wacky-rigged than Texas, but you can do both. However, if you can afford them use GY Senkos first, then BPS Stiko or Yum Dinger. I haven't used any of the elastec plastics but I think that might be a good option for you since you are looking for durability.
  6. I saw these rods at the 2020 Classic expo and was thoroughly impressed. I liked everything about them from the grips, handles, light weight and different options in lengths and powers but we all know everybody has their preferences of gear, so take my opinion for what it is. Only two reasons I didn't pick any up at the time was because I took a plane to and from the classic and most of those rods were out of my price range at the time. It is a plus that they are made, or assembled, in America at least.
  7. BBuck

    New guy

  8. I enjoy his tips and tricks videos, but don't pay attention to the rest. Take what you like, leave what you don't.
  9. Butter Pecan Cookies and Cream Rocky Road Vanilla
  10. Green pumpkin Zoom trick worm. I was probably under 7 years old.
  11. I use neko, wacky, shaky head, T-rig, and Carolina Rig all from the bank. My favorites are Texas rig and shaky head
  12. My experience is that if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. The only time I got close to a brown out was when one about 10 ft long was chasing my bass I just hooked and was lifting up on the bank. Luckily, I got him unhooked and threw him back in the water as I swiftly ran the other way. lol.
  13. Roland Martin, Scott Martin, Hank Parker, Gerald Swindle, Jason Christie, Andrew Upshaw, Brian Latimer, KVD, Gary Yamamoto, and Jordan Lee. That, that's about it.
  14. Active duty military, USAF. Enlisted with 14 years in so far. It has gone by fast!
  15. I just found out Uncle Sam is moving me to California this summer (currently in Florida). Never heard of charging for a second rod before. Not that I'll need it bass fishing anyway.
  16. Yeah, I have been saving for years to get a truck and a boat. I finally just got the truck and want to get a boat but think I'm going to have to lower my expectations a lot or either wait longer till everybody that is buying boats now is tired of dropping the money and time on the maintenance and operation of them.
  17. I was talking about helping from a platform perspective. The OP said his local fish and wildlife offered to stock the lake for free. I'm not here to start a war between BASS and MLF, just offering a suggestion.
  18. Signed. Maybe reach out to MLF or BASS and see if they are willing to help. Good Luck.
  19. Motley Fishing has the cheapest tungsten I've found. BASS Elite Pro Pat Schlapper uses them too. https://www.motleyfishing.com/?ref=70
  20. I do all the same as mentioned above, but this is my favorite thing to use to skip with. I can skip a wacky rig 30 feet under a dock or low hanging limbs.
  21. The SLX lineup is good but not necessarily for every application. I use my 7'MH for T-Rigs and Jigs mostly. I wouldn't use it for a frog rod for a lot of places here in Florida because of the heavy cover. I have caught a 30lb catfish with the 6"10" Med extra fast SLX rod, but that was deep cranking and a long fight. I don't want a long fight with a frog, rip and reel in. I haven't found a good frog rod I'm comfortable with yet, so I've been using a silver max 7' MH until I find something I like. That way if it breaks, I'm not out much since the whole combo was like $70 at Walmart.
  22. I believe your brother would want you to enjoy something that reminds you of him, not fear it. Honor your brother by enjoying your boat and don't worry about the rest. Nothing lasts forever, so do your best to take care of it and just have fun. Good luck!
  23. I've caught a mattress, 10' X 10' rug, used tire, about a hundred plastic bags, and a purse! All in the same pond.
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