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    Calgary, AB, Canada
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Most anything with water.

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  1. I use Minwax wood clear wood sealer just because I had it on hand. Most any clear wood sealer would work. 2 thin coats. I like the look and feel of it. Before sealing all my rods, I tested on 1 rod. After using it for a while I liked it and did the rest.
  2. Wow Packers and Rodgers. Another first round playoff stinker.
  3. ^^ I agree. He actually talks about and review stuff rather than just unboxing and listing features that are on the manufacturer's website. Personally I'd stick to either a Daiwa or Shimano. I hear you about Daiwa. Last year I bought 3 Fuegos of different size. My Fuego 2500 real lost the magseal. Some how it got demagnetized, I saw red fluid oozing out of the reel and no more magseal less than a year old. Daiwa will not sell the magseal fluid (ferrofluid) and it cost more than new to send it in for repairs. So I took the magseal out turning the Fuego into a red Exceler. My favourite reel over the past year is the new Shimano Ultegra. I just love this reel. Do yourself a favour, check it out and if you can go into the store and check it out. i_fish have a good review of it too.
  4. This past weekend I was out reading. Not at the library though. It was in a heated tent on a frozen lake with 2 holes drilled in the ice. Just for kicks I got a rod, put a reel on it, some line on the reel and this thing called a hook and lure and threw it in the hole. I sat back, relaxed, and even had a beer while reading and listening for something to happen with the deadstick. Every hour or so a stupid walleye or pike would disturb my reading and played tug of war with me on the deadstick. Being much fatter I won of course and pulled the darn thing out of the hole. I gave it the stare of death for disturbing my reading and put it back in the hole. I quite enjoy reading. Going to do it again this weekend.
  5. Yeah, all bananas entering our house and before I take it out gets inspected for spiders. In our house all spiders gets deep fried and eaten. The only superstition I always follow...so far...is never skydive without a parachute.
  6. To remain neutral in all of this, I sometimes use all 3. Mono backing, braid with flouro leader. Just need to find a way of incorporating paracord in there somewhere.
  7. Always wonder what the superstition surrounding bananas and boats were. Was on BC ferries last summer. Lots of bananas on board. The on board cafeteria had them, we had a whole bunch in our car. I'm sure many others did too. Wonder how they transport bananas here? I'm sure it is not all by plane, train and automobiles.
  8. Not to worry. If the rod is indeed sticking out the truck, soon enough it will be a 2 piece maybe even 3 piece rod.
  9. For the short period that it gets wet I wouldn't worry about it. I would be more concern about it getting banged around and broken.
  10. I agree. When Cabela's and BPS first came to my city they were separate companies. Both drove the few local outdoor shops out of business. Back then Cabela's/BPS were the best thing since slice bread but the bread is pretty moldy these days.
  11. That's 6 days from today, Jan 17, 2022. Might change by then.
  12. Mono, fluro, braid, all tools of the trade. Use what works for you and what you enjoy. In the past I use all 3 and have all 3 in my tackle box. I use whatever tool is right for the job.
  13. Totally worth it for me. For you, that's up to you. I know lots of fishermen who prefer ice fishing over open water. Personal preference. I know lots of ice fisherman who catch fish ice fishing. Some more so in winter than they do in the summer. Not everyone who fish is about competition. Some of us enjoy catching our limit or maybe less then sit back relax and enjoy the company or just enjoy life and nature. In my books there is nothing wrong with a few drinks, play cards and socialize in this crazy world of ours. In my case, on a nice sunny day, a cigar and a wee dram of whisky in the mountain is not bad. Getting some exercise and enjoying the pristine mountain setting with some friends or sometimes alone sure beats watching the TV on the couch all day.
  14. I was debating over the same 3 reels last year. Ended up with....all 3. The Vanford though was only 3 weeks ago as last year Vanfords were pretty scarce around my area. I like all 3 but like the Stradic slightly better than the others. However my favourite reel over the past year and one in which I have the most of is the new Ultegra. IMO, the Ultegra is very much in the same league.
  15. Yep going ice fishing this weekend. Will be another month or 2 before I can even think if river fishing
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