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  1. Huckfinn38's post in Crankbait rods, am I thinking about this right? was marked as the answer   
    The closet rod you will find to throw both would be a Dobyns Champion 705 cb (not the glass). Great rod but might be little over loaded with a 6xd.  
  2. Huckfinn38's post in New to Rod Building...Please Help Pick First Blanks was marked as the answer   
    D is easier for sure but it wont provide that painted on look. A is somewhat difficult but all u have to so is file your guide feet down for the thread to stack how u want. I prefer B and C. I think Mudholes Pro thread is the only one offered in B i think. Even with B and C ur still going to need to file the guide feet down and burnish. Knowing what i know now id go with B or C
  3. Huckfinn38's post in New Lews Ti-Pro was marked as the answer   
    So I played around with mine for a bit, took it out yesterday.
    Pros love the handle, it casts really good, and is a beautiful reel. 
    cons feels cheap to me in hand, not a fan of the lever to access sideplate (feels cheap), and lastly the retrieve is not as smooth as you would expect for a $400 reel. To me my Bantam A at $350 is a much better reel even though its heavy. 

    I honestly like the gen 1 better and I returned my gen 2 this morning.
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