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Everything posted by Biglittle8

  1. Couple of fatties. Nice fish.
  2. True that.
  3. Was out fishing a pond on the golf course a couple of days ago and took a video of what I think was a Alligator Gar. It was at least 4 ft in length... maybe more. I couldn't get the video to upload, so here is a still. It appeared to be feeding on small fish. Can anyone tell from the photo if it is in fact a Gar of some kind? I have not seen Gar in this pond before.
  4. A few fish today ... Real windy and cooler. All kinda chunky. All on Diamond Dust Ratl-Trap.
  5. The color on that fish is great! Nice fish!
  6. Good luck buddy, hope everything works out for you!
  7. What the....? Gotta be more to it.... Right?
  8. Also, stay away from this fellow! ?
  9. I like the Yum Dinger also, but they don't seem to last as long on my Texas rigs. +1on getting rid of the slot! The price and color selection is great .
  10. I ordered From the Creme web site... Same thing.
  11. +1 on the Bass Assassin. I also have been using a lot of zoom magnum 8" rigged Texas with no weight. The hits seem to come on the fall almost every time.
  12. Welcome!
  13. I'll take that "one" everytime! Nice fish!
  14. I use a 3000 series reel spooled with 8lb mono on a 6ft rod for 75%of my t-rig pond fishing. I use mostly 1/8 to 3/16 oz weights with a colored bead most times. I'll switch it up to an 6-9 rod on the boat with a baitcaster and 12lb hybrid. I'm sure there are better set-ups, but I've caught a lot of fish with this rig. I try not to overthink it. If I'm having problems, I'll change it up. Trial and error is how I learn most of my lessons.
  15. The top picture below was 7lbs 8ozs, the bottom picture was 4lbs 15ozs. Hard to tell without measurements photos can be deceiving. You don't have a scale, use the conversion chart available on this site under "Tools" heading. It's pretty accurate. A tailors tape is easy to carry in your pocket. Obviously, a portable scale is your best option.
  16. This☝️works for me too, I use a 6-9 MH rod with 12 lb hybrid line and rarely lose fish using this method with Chatterbaits.
  17. We have those too.
  18. He's back! He's not too scared of me!
  19. Oh come on... 41lbs of plastics is only 1 lb more!
  20. Anyone else using the Creme Speed Scremer? I have used it the last couple of days on my chatterbaits and jigs and have had a lot of action. I had never heard of these, until my Grandson gave me 2 to try. I just ordered more on Cremes website.
  21. That makes sense. Learn something new everyday. ? I feel kinda dumb I never thought of that.
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