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Biglittle8 last won the day on August 19 2021

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Community Answers

  1. Great job! I'd say you had a very exceptional yak season! Congratulations! That 7lber is a beast! Those are some hefty fish! Congratulations!
  2. 14 bass yesterday, nothing over 2lbs I did catch this nice Pickerel on a wacky rig.
  3. This is it☝️you are going to miss fish, you can limit that by having your gear set up right and making sure your hooks are sharp. In my opinion, a lot misses are due to gear issues. Also, the technic you are using will determine how you set the hook. Drop shot and wacky on a finesse rod for me is a different set than a texas rig.
  4. I'd say you did alright! Some nice fish!
  5. ☝️This! When I went to high school, two year trade programs were an option starting in 10th grade. I opted for a building trade "degree" we framed, roofed and wired a garage in the shop. We also did various plumbing and masonry jobs for churches and communities. These courses were taught by real "Tradesmen" I know that wasn't even available for my kids. It's a shame more young people aren't interested in trades.
  6. My experience has been, their personalities differ, some will scatter the second they hear or see you, some will come swimming full speed when they see you to participate in your fishing adventure. I know one thing, after awhile they lose their fear of humans. I've had them follow behind my boat, swim at me full speed when I catch a fish, even have their lunch in front of me.
  7. Unfortunately, skills aren't the only things passed on from "Tradesmen" to the apprentice, if a roofer has never been taught the proper way to install a shingle, he teaches his entry level guys the same junk... Then they teach the same thing... And so the vicious cycle endures. The biggest problem I see, is that a lot of general contractors don't supervise their subs and if the work is to code, an inspector will pass even if it is shoddy(ie: boards cut a little short, missed nails, etc...) Don't even get me started on SOME of the so called "Home Inspectors" out there!
  8. Yep, it works consistently for me, even when nothing else is.
  9. Oh, I think you're more than a lucky hack! Consistently boating nice fish gave it away. Unless, you're fishing in the BPS tank ?***********************"*** Couple days of pond excursions, the fish are long and lean now, but bitting well. It's been cooler with less humidity the last few days, I probably start taking the boat out more.
  10. Finally got the dink curse off my back this morning. Took the boat out to get a few hrs in before the weather hit. Some wind but fairly dry. I landed this little piggy so it was a worthwhile trip. Fished the drop-shot with a BPS sexy shad 4.5 tri-color worm. On the way out saw a bunch of hens.
  11. Bingo! I'm ok with the cost to have a few around, but I tend to throw a bunch of plastics in a bag when I go pond fishing... That didn't work out to well! I went from swimbait to blob... My bad, I never read the bags?
  12. Ouch! I am weary when a fish fights harder after you get it out of the water. Dinks are the most dangerous!
  13. If I was wrong as many times in my job as weather forecasters, you wouldn't want to fly on a commercial jet. Just saying.
  14. Mustard first, then dry rub or just salt and pepper for everything I do.
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