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Trevor in Burke

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Everything posted by Trevor in Burke

  1. I use flouro because it sinks quicker than any other line and I don't like fishing flukes with ANY type of weight (it affects the action in a negative way imo) If you like mono stick with it I'm just really impatient so I'll take any short cut possible and i like fishing them subsurface, with occasional surface pops, but only when i want it to. when i use braid or mono for flukes, i have a tough time waiting for it to sink, and even when it does i only get 7-10 twitches before it pops out. i only use bass assasins on 5/0 red owner offset shank straight hooks (best action imo) rainbow trout 98% of the time, this is the only plastic i don't use wide bent hooks not a zoom fan
  2. It seems most of it has been covered, I'll just add that I prefer them weedless rigged with no weight at all on a good sinking line (fluorcarbon)
  3. how can we answer your question if you don't tell us which pond you're asking about?
  4. once you learn it you won't stop I'll provide the same advice i prodvide for all equipment training, USE QUALITY EQUIPMENT! it's so much easier it's not even funny
  5. I have no input but a question, I haven't used a crucial.... how heavy are they? would you consider them a heavier or a lighter rod?
  6. dude if money is not an issue then... this is my go to combo, it's THE lightest combination I know of and it's well... amazing. That's all I can say... put this... http://www.***.com/descpageRLCSHIMANO-SHCSF50.html on this... http://www.***.com/descpageE21CAST-E21CLTX.html the whole get-up weighs in at like 6 ounces, it's absurd
  7. absolutely not, i was tearing up the smallies this weekend on the shenandoah, 4" brown
  8. i've mastered this technique, seeing as i'm shirtless when wading i have a mesh/net type pullstring backpack that i wear with tackle in it, mesh so i can see in it without opening it when i'm searching that and it doesnt fill up with water, but i stick the rod reel first down my back in between the back pack and my back like sword and i simply stick the butt of the rod in my waist band, works perfect...
  9. i've found my bigger fish in the shallowest water possible under all the over hangs, pitching and skipping is clutch, if i don't have to pull the motor up i'm not shallow enough, you should have seen me yesterday, people walking by me like What the F is he doing? : ;D bigger baits too Rich, the water i'm fishing is DIRTY so i was using a 1/2 oz black and blue evolution jig with Rage tail chunks and craws for trailers...
  10. i went out right after the rain let up, like to the minute with a jig and a flippin stick, i caught two in 20 minutes where only few people can get a lure into flawlessly, a foot off the bank flippin' my jig through brush and whatever other junk i could find, the water was dirty as ever but they smacked the hell out of the jig, i missed 3 more as I was fishing in bushes and on my knees under overhangs with a 7'3" rod which limits your hookset, i was happy though, got a nice 3lber that way...
  11. AH you cheater!! haha just kiddin' d**n man I was really excited you were already skipping with the baitcaster, Rob would have been shocked if he saw you do it... his jaw hit the deck when we were out and my tube went skittering under a tree trunk off the bank... no biggy, we'll work on that... we gotta get you takin that revo out nonstop, plus i want to check it! ha! p.s. i'm diggin the new avatar, fits perfect for this section, but I'll PM you about that! HA! get it :-?
  12. How's the pitchin' and flippin' goin anyway Andrew? We didn't really go over quiet entry just the motion of the technique. Skipping is more of a tsss tsss tsss across the surface and each skip slows it down and it eventually enters with little disruption, not like a plop from a distant cast, fact is if you can skip it far enough back where most people don't get i've found you'll entice a strike anyway, they don't see much artificals up in there. 8-) nice to see you're skipping with your baitbaster, good job! most people just give up on it after their first 30 minute birdnest picking
  13. All I have to say is you spoke to the right person, I only have a spot open in my boat when Rob can't come.
  14. Nevermind for me at least, we've decided on Lake Jackson instead as it's much closer and we need to be home, plus we're gonna test out the outboard. I'd still like to know that information on Hunting Run though. I plan on being there in the near future with Rob
  15. Thank you, that' good information! I love grass and timber so bring it on, was the grass submerged or on the surface? if submerged how deep was it? how deep did it run? any idea? also are trees around those coves i see tall?
  16. First off, I've done the search and read the previous topics on Hunting run but wanted to start a new one to get everyone who has already posted about it to provide some information that maybe wasn't discussed earlier. I'm going out with my dad for fathers day and have never been here before and would really appreciate any heads up advice as for as the lake goes, I'm providing a map for reference 1. Where is the launch? 2. in case it's windy which areas hide from wind the best? 3. any information on particualr areas the stand out based on the map, please be specific as to where you're talking about (stump fields, timber, submerged structure, rocky points or coves etc.) 4. any particular technique or lure that has been producing, colors and sizes if known... I'll probably start out with my set-ups for topwater early morning and then spinnerbaits, flukes, senkos and tubes unless otherwise advised or something strikes me out on the water... 5. I appreciate any input, we're not beginner fishermen so you can talk in depth to me.
  17. can you imagine if it did open back up? it'd be a mad house and would be so pressured and over fished in the first month or two, i've met people with access and they do confirm it is a paradise right now, now that i think about it i hope it stays closed and i meet someone who gives me access 8-)
  18. Yeah, like Andrew I've heard it was secretly a gold course thing
  19. That is very helpful dan, thanks for the information! If all goes well I'll be doing this more and more hopefully, I'll let ya know if you want to join in.
  20. First off, please just talk about this particular topic, I'm not interested in any other locations for this type of fishing just insight on this particular one and I'm really trying to find helpful information. VAbasser and I are trying to plan a day to make this hike through the woods of hemlock park in PWC off of yates ford rd. it's up bull run from bull run marina above the occoquan, I've ridden over it on a train (VRE) many of times and really want to fish it especially in the heat of summer, it's seems prime for smallmouth and largemouth. Just any advice on the hike itself, where to park, snakes, water depth etc. is very much appreciated. We'll probably be wading I'm assuming so it may just be spinning gear but let me know what you think equipment wise also, if you've done this. My other idea was parking at the Manassas park VRE and walking the tracks, here's the area... the first one is the zoomed out version and the second is zoomed in on the bridge area i want to hike to...
  21. just got mine in the mail, i'm excited to try them out, i was testing them on the coffee table, haha i was little disappointed they don't have a rattle though
  22. that is an enticing offer I will take you up on it, we should fish soon. Andrew - forgot it was opposite hand then mine, darn :-/ Keep it up next time we fish we can work on accuracy, i know we talked about it on the boat but we'll get to skipping the baitcaster further down the road, keep up the pitchin' and flippin' yeah like i told you, if your gonna learn you mind as well spend the money and learn on QUALITY equipment the turn around is much quicker and it's not like you can really break it all you'll do is backlash and that won't hurt the reel, just your confidence 8-) but get with someone who knows how to set reels and can explain the breaks and knobs and such.
  23. how's the pitchin' goin' andrew? i want to try that Revo
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