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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. There are no cleats on the dock and I am not letting stix rub on my boat. And yes, a mooring pole or an extra piling would allow the boat to be tied off so it could never rub the dock or a bumper. Exactly my point. I will not tie only to the dock. No way no how.
  2. I'd watch for the upcoming spring sales. Should be able to get 20% off retail here before the end of March...and at the same time I would hit Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace for used stuff. Lots of deals to be had if you are patient.
  3. Put 80mi on the snowmobile this afternoon. That always makes me want bar food. Sourdough rye rueben and some wok deep fried fries. Holy hell did that hit the spot.
  4. For moving lures I would suggest a 2nd spool with heavier test. As for the leader, we have tons of toothy critters here and while bite off's happen it really isn't all that often. I regularly run just straight 30lb PP braid and have nearly no issues.
  5. To me it is rather simple and unrelated to the label any manufacturer puts on anything. In my collection of rods some do certain things better than others and therefore that is what I use them for. When I buy new rods it is usually to improve how I can throw a certain bait that is the most limited in my current collection.
  6. Chicken grit helps traction a ton....but if it is super slick you risk sliding back
  7. The OP can't fish here in prespawn as the season is closed. Has to do it later in the year
  8. My 7lb smallie came from a great Musky lake. Big skis are super fun to catch as well.
  9. Does the Big Tiller Handle fit on it?
  10. Don't want to make you feel left out here. Just pulled this out of the oven.
  11. That is exactly what I would recommend for a specific jerkbait rod. It is also what I would recommend for walking topwaters and such. As for what to buy, I'd vary the length of the MH and get another to cover the spectrum. ie, a slightly shorter one for skipping and a long one for bombing lures out. Not sure which you have...
  12. Largest LM (7 1/4lb) that has come off my boat was on a smaller than normal frog. I had just thrown a super size one over the spot and he hit my buddies little one. Not saying to not throw big, as I've had good luck upsizing when the bite is strong but the reason this one bit is we put lures where other fisherman hadn't. Metro lake so not some remote location either. So I'd add to try harder to find the spot on the spot that others don't get to. Amusingly my largest smallie came on a lake connected (via a very navigable stream/pond) to a lake where the day before I had my best numbers day ever. It showed me that numbers and size aren't always exclusive.
  13. Do they hold in big waves in a few feet of water? I've not owned a boat with any and am seriously contemplating adding although I have a kicker so that means either a custom mount or only 1. A little afraid they would break.
  14. Good point. The one thing that killed a pair of MJ glass lensed shades for me was driving a wee bit fast across the lake and having them fly right off my head. When you get nice glasses make sure to tether/float them in case.
  15. Guys as I said in the first post, I am not interested in tying to the dock. I've learned and know better. If you think that is a solution don't post. Just interested in options to keep my boat AWAY from the dock. Yes trailering is great. I have 2 little kids with me though and the launch is more than 10min each way. Sort of defeats the purpose of paying for the lake front to pull it 4 times a day... As for why not tying and my experience in rough water. My 30' Sea Ray is circled here. This was a normal weekend for years for me. I watched everyone elses boat get scratched up like hell because they don't know how to anchor or tie. My other dock experiences I highlighted above. When the weather gets bad my boat will NOT be rubbing up against a dock or anything for that matter. Let's keep this on topic. Currently I have the mooring option. It's a pain, but safe and I will do it. Any other ideas to keep the boat OFF the dock?
  16. Glass is better in every way other than weight. Even then the new Maui Jim thin glass is extremely light. Besides the clarity you can clean glass lenses without scratching so much easier than plastic. I have a pair of Maui's that are 15 years old and still super clear. For me amber in low light and green for mid day sun.
  17. I can't find a way either. No way I will ever have Cable or Satellite either. Sucks. I'd gladly pay for Fox Sports alone for local sports coverage and fishing, but I won't pay $100/mo for it. If they had their own pay service great.
  18. I don't change my baits, I change my rods. Doesn't mean they are technique specific per se, but by default of course some are much better at certain things than others meaning when I do need a different presentation I choose which rod to change appropriately.
  19. Lol. I wasn't asking you to. I "could" do it myself, but there is a bunch of stuff in my box to move so I want someone else to...or I should say my wife wants someone else to.
  20. Especially because I sold my 521vx 9 years ago and have been fishing on other peoples boats since. Drives me nuts. Can't wait to load it with tackle.
  21. Do you know an electrician? I have a hot tub on my patio that has been there since Dec 15th and I can't get someone to hook it up.
  22. Yes. Never fished out of it. Test drove it November 20th, rewinterized and put in storage while I filled out the paperwork. Needed a family friendly boat for taking 2-4 boys out fishing. It is pristine hull wise and I plan on keeping it that way. My stuff is usually nicer when I sell it then when I bought it.
  23. Exactly the reason for the thread. When the kids go to bed I am going to fish and if I can leave the boat at the dock it is killer. Part of the reason I paid extra for lake front. Definitely. Thanks!
  24. You got lucky big ole whitecaps didn't roll in or a fleet of wakesurf boats didn't drive by.
  25. Natural forage or the same colors you would choose for spinnerbait blades would be my recommendation. Personally if you are bank fishing with a jerkbait I would buy a floating one, not suspending. Divers, trebles, and from shore is really limiting with the capability to have it release by floating up. Even from a boat I catch more with floaters outside of the typical must throw jerkbait times.
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