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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. I would assume the manufacturers ramped up production due to the demand last year. I expect this year for there to be less which could mean some great deals at the end of the year. Being I haven't had a boat in 9 years I had to due a normal fall/winter restock + but am refraining from adding a tackle stock at home hoping this happens.
  2. A little restocking and some things for my kids.
  3. Yep, let the fish tell you what they want. If by slice you mean get into that pie I think I get your analogy.
  4. If it is an ideal day I get to throw a frog first
  5. Mills Fleet had not so many rods today, but the tackle shelves were full. Amusingly I bought nothing there, but did pick up a rod in their parking lot thanks to local classifieds.
  6. Perhaps if you read what I wrote as a reaction to how I fish and not others it would be what is meant. Just using a different mechanism to make others think about that.
  7. You guys and all the finesse stuff. He didn't ask that you try to win a tournament vs the others with just one, but he did ask if it could be only one what it is.
  8. Seriously confusing since the Crestliner is made in the Lund plant. I know they are trying to rationalize the difference, but no matter what you make you should take care in it. Here is one, a bit of a drive but not too bad. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/717775588875143/?ref=search&referral_code=undefined
  9. Green scum frog. If I only have one bait at least I am going to make every cast fun!
  10. If you are going to have that much weight and hassle a small jon boat or even a larger boat makes even more sense.
  11. Yes, owned both. That being said your idea of a yak and mine are different. No need for a motor IMO. I've paddled a few thousand miles and caught 1000's of fish while holding a paddle. If I am going to bother with all the weight of a motor or batteries it will be a completely different type of craft.
  12. Not sure what a kayak could ever do better than a canoe.
  13. One of my offices is there. As for rural, my wife grew up in a town of 219. She is related to more than 100 of them.
  14. Before launching the boat have someone along to back it down. Have them back until it floats and then pull up until it is solidly on the trailer and will not move. Having the trailer as deep as possible, but where you cannot physically move the boat yanking on it is your starting point. Anything deeper than that and the boat will float off the bunks. You will find you can actually be substantially shallower and still get it on....just make sure to soak the bunks first so you aren't dry loading.
  15. Just picked up a 12" Lowrance Carbon with the included Enhanced C-Map. The depth shading makes no sense to me. I tried a bunch of settings to no avail. I just updated the HDS to the newest software which erased my custom settings with new ones...but they don't seem to work either. I can't figure out what it is doing. Any insight would be great! From this I would personally expect that 0-5 is red, 5-10 orange, 10-20 yellow, 20-40 green, 75-150 light blue, but instead I get this (0-10red, 10-20 Orange, 20-50 Green, 50+ light blue): What am I doing wrong??
  16. I have 2 SC rods for it. One MXF and one MHF. The heavier rod I use deeper into the grass with a heavier hook. Picks up fish when they are buried better than the lighter rod...but when they arent as deep in the cover I prefer the lighter rod.
  17. Spring here the water is cold. That is pork time or when I have none a chunk that resembles it. Once the water warms I up the action level of the trailer. Water clarity for me is more about color than action but my idea of stained water may not match the OPs
  18. Double willow or single Colorado. The mixed blades and Indiana I culled from my tackle years ago . Same with colors. I have white, dark and forage. The rest I've gotten rid of.
  19. March is the snowiest month of the year here, average ice out on Tonka is April 11th...we have some more winter for sure but that just gives us time to get the honey do list cleaned up.
  20. Ha, I've made three this week and there might be more before the week is over.
  21. Yes, but they are Lowrances....but I may also run them. Figure I have them, having 2 up front and 2 in the back wouldn't be bad.
  22. I grabbed a pair of Carbon 12's in December Trying to decide if I sell the 9's or keep all 4 in the boat.
  23. I'd be prone to looking at used ones or replaced models as well. I am not a Hummingbird guy so I can't say if there is a sweet spot, but I've always had luck in the past constantly flipping as new price points plopped in and deals arrived.
  24. Even great restaurants screw it up. Italian restaurants that can't make pasta from flour are not Italian restaurants in my book. Carbonara is harder with fresh pasta though as you have to let it dry a bit otherwise it cooks to fast to integrate the water the right way. Obviously that was with bacon and not pancetta, but it is what I had and was an unplanned meal. There is zero cream in mine, just eggs/yolkds, pasta water, fat from the bacon and p. reggiano. Of course restaurants use cream so that it can sit a while before being delivered to your table...but longevity is not something you should strive for on a carbonara.
  25. Yep. Too much trailer. Don't back in as far.
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