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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. Still 3 weeks from moving back into the house. Not sure I have time to deal with the boat and relaxation even after we move back in. Will take some time to unpack. Jonesing to get out though!
  2. Bought a Met DC to try it and generally feel it costs me distance. I resorted fo putting it on my spinner bait rod, but some days the lack of distance bothers me but it's on there because tossing a spinner bait on days with white cap winds usually means a few professional over runs when I unthinkingly change casting directions. For that the DC is helpful. Outside of that I will be buying no more of them
  3. 2006 Ranger 620T 150etec tiller Pros: Fishing space is enormous. Easiest boat to fish with my kids and their friends I have ever been in. Storage is/will be great. Replacing my old front platform extension with a 3700 holder. Best multi-species layout I have ever seen. I fish for Bass 95% of the time, but Muskies, Walleyes and Crappies are fair game on occasion. Cons: Too many livewells. I don't keep fish so having 3 is a waste of space. I do use the baitwell and one dead well a couple times of year to enjoy a walleye or two Could be faster. Propped it will pull 54, but I like the more responsive prop setup I have which is 44. At the same time could troll slower with the big motor so not having to use the vantage, but then I'd lose top end. Can be wet in really rough water and has no "warmth" blocking windshields for when jigging for walleyes in the cold.
  4. What layers do you wear this early to stay warm yourself?
  5. We had a Grand Cherokee and regularly used it to tow our 6800 lb open bow. Tows the Ranger easy...
  6. I like the 73 better as well. When I built my spinner bait rod I felt my 844 was too much and the 43 not enough. Built a St Croix LE instead as it was in between powers. Kicked it out to 7'10" as well as I much prefer a long rod for throwing spinnebaits.
  7. Took me a minute. This is what we call ditch pickles up here.
  8. I only carry 3 colors. White, Bluegill & Black/Blue. Enough variations once you have them in willow or colorado, silver or gold, and 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 1, 1.5
  9. Can't get to my boat until probably April 15-30th. House is torn up and of course this is the year the ice breaks early. Ugh!
  10. Almost be easier to make do with one bait. In that case it'd be a frog and a frog rod.
  11. 6'8" St Croix MXF Easy to impart action and although it has a super fast tip it is floppy enough power wise to keep them pegged. My favorite technique and by far my favorite stick.
  12. There is open water on Gray's Bay of Lake Minnetonka today as well. Also 61° atm...
  13. My Etec has a "motostop" built in. Works great. Have to assume it'd be better with a bit of shock absorption, but hey it's above my pay grade to tell them that they are wrong.
  14. Yarcraft 1785t is 19'10" on the trailer. It's a tiller, but has as much fishing room as larger bass boats.
  15. Ok, good. I like Rapala. They have by far the best billboards. Also a fan of their floaters, but absolutely am reducing my tackle box and not growing it. I was frightened that was why so I had to ask. Always reducing mine, but still not enough!
  16. Berkley / Rapala do something business wise you don't like that I missed...or were they just not producing as well? I love jerkbait fishing...
  17. Nope. I am the 50yr old loser that not only moved home to live with my mother, but brought my whole family.
  18. My snowmobile is still up North in storage waiting for winter...but I have been "homeless" for 3 months as my house is getting gutted so not a bad winter for that to happen!
  19. We had about 100 on Carson's but only for a week. Got warm and bam, gone.
  20. I would go slightly older and bigger in particular since you already have electronics and such. I am 6'7" and find the nitro cockpit area too small although I haven't been in one newer than 2019.
  21. I have a double oven and have broken the inner glass on both. One from an exploding pizza stone the other just heat cycling
  22. Jealous. Was hoping to get out one more time..but stuck in Europe for another week so I think I probably won't manage.
  23. Weekend traffic and general traffic on lake Minnetonka is harder on the fishing than the 30 or so tournaments that are on it a year. That being said for the first time in a really long time my best day on tonka this year was opener
  24. There are only two givens in bass fishing for me. They are I will ALWAYS have a frog on the deck of the boat and ALWAYS have a jig. I'll fish a frog when they are stupid to fish, because I love frogs....but if it isn't a frog I can fish a jig basically anywhere. As for why they don't work for you....well you aren't throwing them in the right places. If you were, you'd catch fish. That is always step 1. If you are sure that is okay, then you are working it wrong...which is WAY harder to do than step 1. Deadsticked, swam quickly, hopped, jerked, dropped, doesn't really matter....they catch fish. I'd expect you aren't in the right place and the one thing that a jig isn't great at is covering a lot of water fast. You can fish them fast and swim them sure, but that would not be the first presentation I'd try using them on.
  25. I would have bought the 15' talon, but I'd have to fold it to get in the garage.
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