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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. I used UShip and had a 6500lb boat towed from AZ to MN for $600....that being said it was 12 years ago. A service like that should be the cheapest. Not sure if they still exist.
  2. I found that Maui Jim's don't stay on your face once you eclipse 65 mph.....they also sink
  3. Green, white or black. Everything else I scrapped.
  4. Sorry I missed this. It is a 6'3 MXF St Legend Elite spinning rod built as a 6'8" casting rod with artificial light cork and a lightweight modified JDM reel I bought while in Japan.
  5. BC. Action on the lure is way easier for me to impart when palming a reel. If I fish one for 4 hours I'd be needing Advil if it were on spinning...
  6. It is the first bait specific rod I would buy and the one I spent the most in building. Makes a monstrous difference. I chose to build a super light med xf to 6'8". Baitcaster for sure as the walking motion is way easier on your wrists when palming a small reel. As with frydog I do use this rod for other baits, but the primary other use are walking baits and poppers which put very similar needs on a rod. Small square bills and such it also works great for.
  7. No tag needed, just was eager to find some fun in a city I will be spending some time in. Supposed to be there at least once a month but am somewhat of a work a holic so I've spent the three trips there working into the evenings and not exploring. I don't want to dilute this thread with requests although sharing what you like about Knoxville is on topic if the OP is interested. Otherwise I will reach out independently before I come that way again. That's awesome. Had no idea. I've never caught a striper... Thanks to both of you for expounding!
  8. Curious what about Knoxville is nice. I just took a job there and while not moving I am there often and so far completely underwhelmed and would love that to change!
  9. For techniques where you tuck the rod butt under your forearm the length of the grip matters. Being 6'7" for those presentations I had my rods extended when I had them built. As for too long that is determined by you on your boat and the technique. Even I can't use an 8'er for jerk baits ...
  10. $13 and the wrong colors, but thanks...was hoping they'd come back the right way.
  11. Pork Pork Pork Love me some jig n pig Subwart Don Iovino signature 1/8oz finesse jig Did I mention pork?
  12. I bomb frogs a long ways. As far as I can by adding weight and using 8'+ rods. 50lb braid and a long rod really help set the hook at a distance.
  13. Shiatsu massage and staying aligned at the chiropractor helps mine. Mine is rheumatoid though so not exactly the same most likely.
  14. Glad you liked it. Since I knew you liked other stouts thought it could work.
  15. Where do you buy it? Recommendations of which one? Amazon has a ton...
  16. Na, it doesn't work. 😀
  17. They salt they are dumping is kosher. If it is diamond crystal you can literally use 2x the volume for the same weight of salt as normal salt. Exactly why it is dangerous to follow anyone's salt measurements if they aren't by weight. Tells a real chef as well if they give it to by weight as that resolves the over seasoning concern. As for toasting seasonings, completely depends on which ones you use. Some need to bloom in heat others don't. If someone thinks that is hot, they can't eat at my house. Hell my 12 year old thinks most Thai restaurants don't know what hot is...
  18. Fundamentally there isn't a lot of difference. Apple over charges for everything, but from a usability standpoint you can almost do anything on either. The exception of course are some bits of software that will only run on one or the other. The closed down architecture of the Apple makes me use an Android as I use it to control: my garage doors, lights, music in every room, tv's, security system, cameras, doorbells, NAS storage video/music, appliances and so on. Music on an Apple is a disaster so if you collect any amount of it, Android is a way better choice. The other unique capability is utilizing software to control some legacy home automatoin products that will never be supported on an apple. And of course if you are into open source or free things instead of monthly services Android wins hands down.
  19. Yes. PP 50# is perfect. With all the hype on here I bought 10 spools or so of 832 and find that it is the opposite of the promises. It is louder, doesn't cast as far, handles way stiffer and has no benefit to the original PP. All the hype actually made me question any advice on the forum. There is nothing about 832 I like better than the original PP. For throwing frogs it also seems to snag a lot more in the pads as well. It is stiffer also making it a lot harder to get subtle action on light frogs. So yes, there may be other better braids than PP, but 832 is not better for frogs and it isn't even close imo. Would love to see another thin, quiet, supple line be offered up but every time I try something else I feel like it is wasted money.
  20. Agreed. I use. 7'10" frog rod and it would be longer if I built it now. My 521 only had 8' rod lockers so I didn't dare go bigger. Length is your friend on a frog although it can make dialing in your bait action a bit more tricky at first.
  21. Throw it in braid and before leaving the lake cut it off and pull a bunch of loose line for a while behind the boat. Wil fix itself.
  22. Had a Ranger 521 which was great, changed to a 620T which is a higher side wall tiller boat. It is also great. No problems with tracking, control and really don't feel a ton of difference between the two when using the trolling motor. The 620t backtrolls a crap ton better though
  23. Your best bet is to tie one of each on two rods and fish them both. Adjust the eye exit location a bit as well and observe how they behave in the water you fish. I personally never use a ball head as that is not what I throw tubes for. It surely could be the hot ticket, I just won't be the one to find that out.
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