I do atleast half of my fishing with a ned.I use just a gentle reel set to hook them and most of the time it’s almost a pain to get them unhooked.
I use a cheap Fenwick eagle ml fast, but it seems to have a slower action than advertised. 8lb hi vis braid and a 6lb Fluoro leader. The jigs I use are the lead free 1/16 #4 hook Jades Jigs. You can find em on eBay or by googling them.
I don’t really care much for the heavy duty hooks on a ned rig. I’ve never had one bend out on a fish, but maybe I’m just not catching enough big ones haha.
After looking around a ton, I found a cool setup on YouTube. $45 It’s a Hart brand toolbox from Walmart. It will fit a trolling motor battery, lunchbox, tools, jackets, etc. love mine.
Having owned and fished out of both a pedal drive and a kayak with an xi3 gps, I can tell you hands down the trolling motor option is way better. Having a gps anchor function is such a game changer. I haven’t fished out of a hobie, but the pedal drive I had couldn’t hold itself in place even in slight wind which is what I wanted out of it.
Nice I’ll be checking those out. Thanks for the suggestions
I might be sold on that MH -cranker. Do you see any issues with line twist if I did braid to fluoro?
Yeah I enjoy fishing with a baitcaster, but feel like to get one that’s not gonna birdsnest throwing lighter cranks I might need to spend a bit more than I want. Totally open to suggestions though. Looking to spend no more than 150 on the rod and reel.
Anyone have any experience with favorite fishing rods ? I’m looking at their balance or BLat spinning MH for 3/8-1/2 crankbaits. I’m trying to shy away from a casting rod just to keep cost down.
I agree with using wellnuts. Used them for an anchor trolley and it held up great with the pressure of an anchor pulling and dropping on the pad eyes where they were used.
Late to the thread but want to give my two cents.
I was in your shoes last year with a perception pedal drive. Wanted to fit a gps trolling motor inside the hole where the pedal assembly goes.
I ended up and sold the kayak for 200 less than paid for and bought a nucanoe with gps bow mount setup. It’s pricey for sure but completely worth it. I’ve fished with spotlock in river current, decent chop on the lake, and general windy days and had a blast whereas if I was in the pedal drive I would have been ticked off the whole time. It’s about as close to being a one man bass boat as I could imagine. I’m sure you could sell the kayak easily as well with this market.
if not check out one objective for their kayak mounts and maybe they have a bow mount for old towns.
Thanks for the replies. Good to know that spot lock won’t exactly control the direction I’m facing on the kayak. As far as the stakeout poles and chute go , I’ve tried both. I fish pretty deep reservoirs and in most cases it’s too deep to use. I’ll mess with the drift chute some more and see if I can get it to work out better for me.
Hey guys. New here and have no experience with bow mount motors. I fish from a pedal drive kayak but am tired of fighting the wind constantly and am not a fan of dropping an anchor everywhere I go, so I’m looking at getting a gps enabled trolling motor for the anchor option.
My kayak (perception pescador pilot) wasn’t built to run a trolling motor, but it would be fairly easy to build a sort of stern mount and mount a trolling motor there. Bow mount would be much more difficult as it’s curved.
My question is , Would I be able to use a bow mount trolling motor (motor guide x13 or minn Kota equivalent) and mount it on the stern and still have it work like it needs to? Would I need to reverse anything for reverse to be reverse and forward be forward ? Is that even possible?
really appreciate the forum and the knowledge here. Thanks
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