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  1. SproDD79's post in Dobyns Champion questions.. was marked as the answer   
    I had a  Champ Extreme DX 704c, it's sounds like that may fit what you're looking for. You should be able to utilize the Dobyns warranty and send the blank logo portion and pay the upgrade fee. I have gone through alot of Dobyns rods , from my experience, they are great for moving baits , but when it comes to bottom contact sensitivity there are better options out there. I have an xtasy 734c and 755c  and don't get me wrong,  it's very nice and has good sensitivity, but my  Expride B 7'2 medium heavy and Expride B 7'3 Xtra heavy rods are more sensitive in my opinion at a lower price point, though I did not pay full retail on the xtasy rods.  
  2. SproDD79's post in Legit retailer? was marked as the answer   
    I ordered a reel from them once, it never came, no one responds to inquiries. Paypal gave me my money back.
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