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Everything posted by Denny

  1. Pretty much what I was thinking, i'd also like to be able to take it out into long island sound and do some salt water fishing and totally get rid of my 14 foot tin boat if possible so thinking i'll definitely want at least 12 foot worth of yak
  2. By any chance how tall are you? I've been looking everywhere for a 120 PDL and only find people selling used 106's. Very tempting but not sure ill be happy long term. Demo'd a 106 but it had zero gear in it so not sure how cramped id feel after all my stuff at 6 foot tall
  3. Great topic and info. Im in a similar situation looking at 'yaks. So many to choose from End of last year I tested out an Old Town Sportsman 106 pedal drive and was very impressed, but no way I would go that small. The 120 wasn't available for demo but would be the smallest I would go. I also plan to use mine out in the flats and islands right here in long island sound though so bigger would be better. I havn't purchased yet but hoping this is the year I upgrade out of my tiny old metal boat
  4. Bigger baits mean bigger fish. What are you throwing now?
  5. Are you catching smaller bass? Or none at all?
  6. Awesome boat. Best of luck with it!
  7. Find a quieter lake with less traffic no just go out and use it. It takes years for people to become one with their boat. I doubt you could parallel park perfectly the day you got your driving license, well perfectly controlling your boat and fishing a bank/structure area is the same thing. It all takes practice, but you can’t let your anxiety take control of you. Most lakes are going to have any extreme hazards marked well, anything else that you come across like weed beds etc will not be detrimental to your boat and you will make it out just fine, maybe just a few curse words later. Keep it on the slow side and before you know it you and that boat will be a finely tuned fish catching machine
  8. For some reason I back the drag off on my baitcasters but not my spinning gear at the end of the day. No idea why I’ve just subconsciously done it for a while
  9. If I ever make the leap into a serious fishing rig, I think an 1875 would be what I wanted
  10. Might have been fishing them a little quick?
  11. Keep your breaks up high when you first start out. I’m not great at it at all but I kept the breaks super high to start off and try and keep the birds nest from happening each cast
  12. Awesome! Nice fish!
  13. I keep my rods in sleeves and my reels covered while they ride in the bed of the truck everywhere with me 24/7, when I get to the lake I take all that off and put them on the boat. Just makes sense to me to protect my investments, even though I only have a few medium cost setups. A lot of time TW runs deals when you buy a reel or rod to get a sleeve or cover for free or at least discounted
  14. New to baitcasters last year, went to the local shop and they let me fool around with RH and LH reels for what was probably an hour. I do everything righty, EXCEPT reel. RH retrieve just felt wrong every time I picked it up. The LH just felt natural. Before plopping down those green backs, get them in your hands if you can. The choice should be obvious then for you
  15. Thanks for the suggestions guys! All added to my list.
  16. Congrats on the future new vessel!
  17. No, but I should be. I’m guilty of spending an hour making cast after cast in the area where someone has told me “the big ones are hanging out in” just to come up empty handed. I’ll work the area with a certain lure, then grab another setup and do it all over again. Sounds like a waste of time as I type it out, but on the water I can’t seem to break the habit
  18. Awesome fish and great story! “One more cast” has kept me fishing for hours past when I should of left, but never paid off like that. Beauty of a fish
  19. Any suggestions for some good lakes for smaller boats? Im in New Haven county, and have a 12 foot aluminum with a 3.3, so was trying to stick to the lakes with less traffic due to HP limits, etc. I went and fished Quonnipaug in Guilford as its about 10 minutes from me on Friday after work and then again yesterday morning, both times about 4 hours each and didn't have so much as a nibble. Water temps in the low 50's so I figured things might be slow but not that much. Thanks for any suggestions
  20. 6.5 foot bed, longest rod is 7'2. Id really like to find a solution for the inside roof on a diagonal
  21. I like to keep my rods with me most of the time, but I also have a passenger here and there so this wont work all the time
  22. My rods have been getting beat up as my truck bed doubles as tool storage for work, I am waiting on delivery of an ARE cap that should be in soon and was wondering if anyone had a good way to store the rods on the ceiling without doing any drilling? I would do a rack and rod tube but I have some height concerns so having a tube always on wouldn't work for me.
  23. Indeed. Some luck after work quick
  24. My little pond has finally lost all its ice, time to go start practicing some casting when the warm days come. The few bass in there wont be real active for a few more weeks if it stays warm
  25. That is kind of my worry as well, im sure I could buy a 40 and put it on but at that point i'd be at the price of buying a brand new 2021 at a dealer, defeating the point of the good deal. I wasn't exactly searching for a new boat, this kinda just fell in my lap and im seeing if its worth the investment.
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