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Everything posted by TheBasslayer

  1. If I were you I would pick up the ultralight, and I can cast these small 1/32-1/8 panfish jigs pretty far for the lure rating. I can cast X-Raps for Sauger(Which I caught my first one one), and I can handle Brown Trout over a pound. It is an amazing pole for so little money, so I would pick it up!
  2. x3 on the Celilo Ultralight. I have it in 7'0 Light action for trout and panfish, and with my 1000 size Sienna it works great!
  3. Amaretto Cherry, and most others with chocolate in it. Culver's and my local custard shop called Ritter's are both amazingly good! My family saves those free ice cream scoop coupons so whenever we go there we're ready.
  4. I am glad that this is the 1st forum that I have discovered! Thanks Glenn and also thank you Mods! I cannot tell you how much I have learned, especially considering I’ve only been on here for a few months.
  5. Sorry, in Michigan there aren't really any rocky streams where I am. I am a beginner Smallmouth Angler, but I would use Tubes, Ned Rigs, and also a Small Jerkbait. Good luck!
  6. Yeah that is what I’m doing with my allowance rn
  7. Those are some giants! Idk if you can fish St. Clair successfully from shore, but I would like to go there sometime, especially since I live only 3 hours away!
  8. Sounds like a very fun day! Especially if they were biting top water Sounds like a very fun day! Especially if they were biting top water
  9. Earliest has to be 5:00, but sometime I’ll go earlier.
  10. That is a giant fish! I wish they got that big in Michigan!
  11. I tried the husky jerk for the first time a few days ago. It worked, and I caught this, the 2nd big fish that I have caught from the main lake!
  12. Welcome to the site!
  13. Welcome to the site from Portage, MI! Good to see more people from my town! (Sorry I’m late)
  14. Welcome to the site!
  15. Welcome to the site!
  16. When I was fishing at the lake my Grandma lives near this dude took some Bass home in a bucket, and it isn’t the season to keep Bass in Michigan! The season to keep Bass starts on the 29th. And as soon as I was moving spots( I was going around him and not bothering him), he left! Seems sketchy to me!
  17. Yeah it is that stretch of the river that I want to fish more often. And I don't know if Austin Lake has Smallmouth. If it does, I'm stuck at the most pressured point on the lake, which is Lakeview Park.
  18. Caught about 7 today! Only took a pic of the 1st 2 fish. I caught 3 on a Shadow Rap at the end, and the rest were on a Ned Rig. I saw someone from the bucket brigade take 5 fish, one of which was pretty decent, even though regulations says that Bass catch and keep season starts on the 29th. He left as soon as I went by him to go to another fishing spot.(not by the place where he was) And also I’m pretty sure that the lake I was fishing in is catch and release only, but I’m not positive.
  19. Welcome to the site!
  20. I don't know for sure because I'm not in the military, but I think that they are still used.
  21. I would think that 20lb braid would be fine, especially with a mono/flouro leader. It seems that 20# still has enough line capacity but would also reduce wind knots if you casted very far. I use 20# yellow braid with 12# leader for my all-purpose spinning setup and it catches fish! It may be different in California, but with a long enough leader, I would think you should be fine.
  22. In the past at this one lake I fished Cotton Candy color Zoom finesse worms later in the evening, and some decent fish ate them. I'll use them occasionally, but Idk why I stopped using them as much.
  23. Nice reel! I wish I could catch a shark. Only shark-like fish near me is the Lake Sturgeon, but it is illegal to hook them on purpose in all except for a select few bodies of water. A stingray is the closest that I've gotten to catching something that is related to a shark.
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