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Bubba 460

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Everything posted by Bubba 460

  1. Back in 2015 daughter # 3 joined the US Army and was shipped to Fort Sill Oklahoma for basic training. My wife and I of course drove to Fort Sill to be there for her graduation upon completion of boot camp. It was a two and a half day drive. We attended the graduation and had three days to visit with, Sarah Rose... uh, I mean Private Cross. I had to, of course, do some fishing while I was there and so one day while the the girls were off doing girl things I got a one day Oklahoma fishing permit. I ask around about a lake or river that was local and open to the public. I don't remember the name of the lake but I parked the truck and ventured into a cow pasture. When I got to the shore the problem was that the water was bathtub clear and as far out everywhere I looked it was really shallow... like (if I was to) walk out 70 yards, it would be only be two foot deep. No cover, just small rocks. Anyway I finally caught this bass on a spinner bait. I could see him hit out 75 feet from shore. Only had a couple of hours and that was my bass of the day, Sarah went on in the Army to be a combat medic in the 82nd Airborne stationed at Fort Bragg NC (were I took basic training in 1968). She was a high level gymnast before joining and very strong, thrives on physical challenges. She did 24 jumps without too much damage ~ I think. (see photos)
  2. Small creeks, 6 to 6'6" ML and if your hitting rivers 100 yards wide, a 7 footer med fast wouldn't hurt. You hook into a 3 or 4 pound smallmouth in a river you're gonna wish you'd of brought a bigger rod. I've caught four and five pound smallmouth in a 20' wide creek, lots of them in fact in my wading days.
  3. Everything you need to now about chiggers, their "bite", their eggs, remedies and myths.... https://www.verywellhealth.com/chiggers-pediatric-dermatology-basics-2633479
  4. Chigger bites take months to heal, they are the worse and you might have a mark for a year. Believe me I know... I stomped all over Virginia's fields, pastures, woods and swamps digging up Civil War relics for 12 years. And whatever you do DON'T get poison sumac on you. You will curse the day you come in contact with that. You will writhe in agony during the sleepless nights, curse the whole world during the day and pay any amount of money for a cure that is not out there. Had Lyme disease too... Fun.
  5. Nice large mouth for upper NY. Your hand is covering/pushing the belly up but still a fairly wide fish... I'd say it's about four pounds, maybe a couple oz. That should put in in the ball park.
  6. Oh it has plenty of practical applications, it's just that attempting to retake a hijacked ship with armed bad guys... this might not be the best approach.
  7. What could possible go wrong? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" ~ Mike Tyson
  8. Yep, they need both hands to control the jets so while in flight they will be defenseless. Maybe deploy the "killer drones" first.
  9. What about Bigfoot?... The photo quality has not improved with either him or UFO's
  10. The following photos is were you do not want stretch in your line. Braid with the exception of a short mono or fc leader if needed (that must be a Texas lily pad). You want to get the fish to the boat ASAP (rope'em up and brand'em)... oh, and a lot of luck is needed too. Starting out with prayer is not a bad idea either. Any open water with minimal obstructions is the place to use fc or mono line or leaders on braid if you like braid. Line size depending on presentation. Using top water lures you're better off with braid for the hook-set, particularly if you're like me and bomb a whopper plopper 60 yards and get hits so far out you need binoculars.
  11. Pretty cool... https://biggeekdad.com/2021/05/royal-marines-jet-suit-boarding/
  12. Yep, that ought to do it! Anyone that was in that pool is now a sub-surface wall decoration.
  13. W-h-a-a-a-t?... I moved my entire family 4,752 miles from Alaska to Virginia with less baggage than that!
  14. I stop at "tequila sunrise" that's as far as I'm going with it. That one makes me blush. I can assure you that there's always plenty still on the rack when I leave a sporting goods store!
  15. Nope ~ not gonna do it. Nor will I ever wear any kind of "mens tights" as suggested by some on this forum to stay cool (the word "tights" should never be used in the same sentence with the word, "man or men".... I mean this is just plain common sense.
  16. Funny you should mention that. I just happen to have a redneck buddy who has been working on a fishing combo geared at getting bass out of weed-beds.
  17. I believe most of us buy way too much tackle... I know I do. I have a huge tackle bag busting at the seams with lures and need a back brace on to lift it. I have every compartment in the boat stuffed and overflowing with individual clear boxes so full I can't even latch the tops. I have Senkos in every conceivable color under the sun (except pink). I have a garage wall packed with lures and a 8' table piled high and overflowing with more gear. Yet I usually only fish with with some old 6 or 7 trusted lures ~ go figure...
  18. Pikachu buzz bait... before he was famous
  19. I've been here at the house for the last week while my wife and youngest daughter went to Idaho to visit our two other daughters. I was here with our oldest daughter who is disabled so I could not venture far for long. Mostly just sat around reading and posting on Bass Resource. Anyway they came back Sunday so today I headed out. Caught nine bass. The biggest was this 18.5 in bass on a wacky, worm color was "motor oil" one of my favorites. But what got me (heck, shocked me) was just how white my hair is getting, I mean, c'mon man.... All I need is a staff to part the Red Sea!
  20. If they're "in the act" of busting shad on top, they will hit anything you throw out there short of a kitchen sink. With that said a shad intimation is what you want to switch over too. Top water or shallow running as they (the bass) are in the act of herding shad to the surface (a wall) and nailin' em. A little flash will help too.
  21. I don't, nor have I ever drank anywhere near gallon of water a day, in fact I don't drink a half gallon of water a year... That's a fact! I had a talk with my doctor at the VA about this very thing about a month ago. Here's what I drink; coffee, about 5 cups of decaf with half & half throughout the day. I drink 2% milk, about a pint+ a day. On a HOT day I may drink a couple glasses of ice tea if I'm working outside but it's rare, once or twice a year. I don't drink pop, booze or sport drinks. I'm 73 now and been like that my whole life. Don't really like water but I will drink it if there is nothing else and I'm thirsty but that's rare too. Doc said I'm apparently getting what I need from what I drink. I think everyone is different. No way could slop down a gallon of water a day! Fact: Several people have died in the last couple of years from drinking too much water. Fluid intake depends on how hot is, what you're doing in that heat factor and your own metabolism.
  22. I remember those short pistol grip handles and some steel baitcasting rods as well. A lot of fishing equipment in the old days was so ugly and poorly designed compared to today's offerings. Most Lures were crude and clunky in the 50's compared to the slick presentations today But one lure always stood out for me and that was the Fred Arbogast Jitter Bug released in 1938. What a great lure and still is today. I can't imagine how many have been sold.
  23. Mostly zeroing in on the Crocs.... I once saw a single Croc floating under boat dock and I beat it to death with a stick.
  24. What men should not wear ~ ever... No Marlboro men here.
  25. Or maybe just a friendly little hanky wave might run them off?
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