There's a point of no return for some lakes and wetlands. I agree with the comments about how things are improving in certain areas while falling apart in others. Yet even while improving, they're all drastically a far cry from what the were a few years ago, steadily declining. In other words, they're just on a slower decline and will someday be overrun. I can only speak about places in my area, namely the everglades restoration projects and what they've gone through. They walled off these massive STA water retention areas south of Lake Okeechobee, tens of thousands of acres of natural wetlands, which channel all the harmful water into them. There, the water gets filtered by the vegetation, in this case absorbing high levels of phosphorus and other pollutants. Once filtered, the water is passed south into the everglades. The idea is pretty straightforward and has worked well for years but is gradually in need of newer systems. The SFWMD along with the Army Corp of Engineering has started construction on another one, a massive one, some 240,000 acre-feet that broke ground a about a year ago and is scheduled to be finished around 2030. They're doing this because the thousands of acres that they already have can't handle all the run-off. Those STA's are in fact dying, but dying by the hand of their creators! No more vegetation, which is the grand filter, so to speak, to clean things up. The vegetation gets so dense with all kinds of invasive undesirables, undesirables like hyacinth, hydrilla, and water lettuce, which leave them with no alternative but to nuke the daylights of them. Problem is, they nuke EVERYTHING. They kill off what they so badly need! So it's basically been a viscous cycle down in our neck of the woods. There's no clean-cut answers, ironically. All they can do is try. And all we can do is hope!