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Everything posted by Zcoker

  1. I don’t know, I guess what motivates me is the hunt, the anticipation, that feeling of never knowing what might happen. Mostly the hunt or in creating new approaches or styles that get positive results. I also tag and release sharks for NOAA (National Oceanographic Atmospheric Association) which keeps me in check quite well with the big girls off the local beaches lol So many of my tactics from the surf I bring to the fresh water world or, in my case, the Everglades. All in all, it’s about getting out there and living the life, having fun, doing what one likes and enjoying every single minute of it. I’ve often said to myself that there will come a time when I should define my objectives, one way or another, put into prospective exactly what it is I am doing. I mean, sure, I just love the peace and the tranquility, nature and all that jazz, but what it is I am exactly doing is hunting down fish, winning them over, being the victor plus making sure my captive gets put back as safely as possible with the least injury as possible. That’s kinda exactly what I am doing.
  2. Wow, says a lot. I guess the average Joe might have a chance at anything, really, giving the circumstances. I recall one morning where I measured and recorded all bass caught from a single spot off the bank, just to see how far I could go with scoring. Fished for about 3 hours: total inches 163, total weight 40.9lbs, biggest fish was 8.21lbs and the smallest was 1.16lbs. This happened 6/2/21. Amazing what a little bank fishing can turn up!
  3. I'm not surprised anymore! Some of the most plain or unfished spots have won bass tournaments. Kinda looks funny to be fishing the bank when in the back of my truck sits a nice new fishing Kayak. I actually catch more fish and bigger fish from the bank than in it, oddly enough. So I don't use it much anymore.
  4. You know, I have to strongly agree with this because I was laughing at myself for entering a national tournament fishing against guys in $ boats while little 'ol me pounded the local bank lol. I didn't know what the heck I was thinking but I really didn't think much at all and just fished and had fun. That mindset got me the win. I wasn't concerned about who had the best of this or that. I only focused on my world, the fish and the fun, never once looking at the leader board until it was all over. And seeing myself on top with all my giants was truly a pleasant surprise!
  5. We all love that underdog who comes out of nowhere and shocks the world. I certainly think it’s possible for any exceptional angler who fishers for bass regularly to bare a strong showing against anyone, including pros. I’ve watched these pro tournaments and have seen very famous guys catch hardly any fish for a whole day, or sometimes no fish at all. And that’s while standing in a $$ bass boat with 30 rods and 5k worth of electronics! The word skunk knows no boundaries. I’ve also heard that it’s a rich man’s sport and although I agree with that to a certain extent, I think these sponsors may have much more to do with that than most would think. Sometimes, even, I think the sponsors are competing against each other and endlessly dumps money at their pro pawns in order to rival their competitors. To what extent these sponsors may go with their bottomless pockets can certainly appear like an untouchable sport to the average Joe.
  6. I fish the everglades here in south Florida and rarely loose a fish on a worm. Setup is simple: I use a big EWG 5/0 eagle claw hook with ringed eye. No mono leader of any sort. Strait braid to the hook. This may in fact be your hook-set problem: the stretch of the mono leader line. My mainline for worm fishing is 40-50lb braid. Very solid hook-sets attributed to the big ewg hook and no stretch in the line....in my opinion lol
  7. Actually, there was a study done in the below link. The study was done on northern pike and it was amazing how these fish could easily remove deeply embedded treble hooks. In the study, they used barbed hooks, barbless hooks, shallow embedded, deep embeded....in other words, they simulated many different break-off possibilities. Very interesting findings. I'm quite sure most have wondered the same thing when they have a break-off. Well, here ya go: https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-lure-left-in-a-fishs-mouth/
  8. I think a lot of these pros do their research, and if that involves having a few beers with a few locals to get the skinny on some new lake, then so be it. Heck, I’d do the same thing and I aint even a pro lol. They use their heads to figure things out. And that’s a very important point to make because it really wasn’t until I started thinking BIG bass that I actually started catching BIG bass. I mean, I had tried everything, everywhere, for years and never really got into big fish nor get into big fish constantly. It wasn’t until I changed my mindset that things did a huge turnaround. And it wasn’t’ rods, reels, jigs or spinner baits but simply thinking and using my head to figure it all out and, you know what, it worked! It worked and it has been working ever since. Which tells me that there is so much more involved to this "process of fishing" other than just letting the chips fall where they may. Pros use their heads to figure things out and get the job done, whatever it takes.
  9. Actually, this is a scientific fact. There was an interesting study done and published by David Philipp, an ecology and conservation researcher at the University of Illinois which showed that certain largemouth bass can avoid being captured. The study went on over the course of twenty years on a 15 acre impoundment. They knew the exact amount of largemouth bass that were in the impoundment on day one and started from there. Blocks of anglers would then fish the impoundment and tag/measure/release their catches. Over the course of years the lake would eventually be completely drained, and the fish would then be collected and accounted for. Many fish were captured more than once. But there was a specific group of fish that always avoided all lures. The lake would then be refilled and the whole process would resume, over and over. They eventually concluded in the Journal of Science that specific groups of fish always avoided being captured!
  10. Lotta back and fourth with this record bass....the one organization one should be questioning about legitimacy instead of George Perry is the IGFA. They obviously had enough evidence to go on to make the record official and/or legitimate. They've always been known to be extremely thorough. So why change for a bass? Did they just guess at stuff back then? I don't think so. Going by today's standards, I'm quite sure if there were enough invalid points in a particular record, or holes in a story, then they'd revisit it. That's how they are, very precise and unforgiving. So let's hear what they have to say about it to put it to rest! Any IGFA folks on here?
  11. I think a lot of guys are not used to Randy's in your face style of commentary. Most are like show me instead of telling me. They also peg him up against others, saying, why hasn't he won this or that, which is ridiculous. The big three legends Martin, Dance, and Houston have never won a Classic yet they all have a lot to say on Youtube. Randy also has a lot to say on Youtube and much of what he says makes pretty decent sense, in my opinion. On the other hand, one truly cannot say with certainty what motivates a Youtube channel. With regards to monetary gains, what's in it for them may indeed outweigh what's in it for you.
  12. What's so baffling to you about this? Kinda look the same to me, or close, at least. Maybe your fish a bit bigger pushed out in last horizontal photo there with its belly hanging. Is it a "he said, you said" situation? Or is it just a matter of photographic prospective, where his fish seems this way and your fish seems that way? Why would you even care what the guy's fish weighed in at unless in tournament mode with a dispute or something? Just asking, here, no puns intended.
  13. Back in the day a man’s word was as good as gold and some could even take that word to the grave. It is what it is, the IGFA Perry record. And there’s nothing no one can do about it other than to change it with another fish 2 ounces bigger. Those are the IGFA rules--period. Perry’s fish could’ve possibly even been much heavier than what it was officially weighed at. We had a similar situation here in Florida back in ’64 at the Cherry Grove pier where Walter Maxwell caught a tiger shark around 2000lbs. But once it was officially weighed next day, it came in at 1780lbs. It lost weight after its death, you see, water weight, etc. Which was expected. Still the world record to this day. Perry's fish is indeed famous. But a close second is the Dottie fish. I'm sure those guys are crying over that catch/release. Though hearsay, I've heard that the IGFA would've possibly considered it a record regardless of the foul hooking. If I'm correct, the fisherman who caught that fish just "assumed" it would not qualify. So he released it. She later appeared belly up dead somewhere, months or years later, I don't know. No more fish stories. But the allure of all this record fish stuff is still fun to dream about! Happy hunting!
  14. I night fish from the bank in the Everglades on FOOT, which brings a whole different level to this night fishing deal. Talk about having eyes in the back of your head--gotta have eyes all over, literally! Of course, safety is the number one goal, and senses have to be as keen as ever. There seems to be an almost primal instinct that "awakens" during the wee hours of night out in the Everglades. One thing I've learned that is a HUGE help: mind those alligators! Yeah, right, one might yelp. But the alligators are actually very, very easy to see at night, yes, indeed. Easier to see at night than in the daytime. You see, an alligator's eyes glow bright red at night; almost fire red and stick out like soar thumbs when any light is shone their way. Most all gators at night are in float mode. So a quick scan of light over any body of water will tell you EXACTLY where they are stationed. It's actually a good practice to do this in order not to loose those high dollar lures. If blind casting without knowing the gators whereabouts, the gators WILL ****** those lures. When their whereabouts are known, those areas that don't have glowing red eyes, the lures come right back and, often times, with giant bass attached!
  15. The fishing has been on fire here in south Florida with every outing bringing in multiple 5-7 pounders. I like the windy days, chop on the water, those spinnerbaits are kicking some fins. But the blue bird skies have produced just as well, ironically. I've lost some true monsters this year, those kind of fish that seem to haunt dreams lol. Keeps me going back for more!
  16. Dang! Same thing happen to me the other day on a spinnerbait. I brought along another rod/reel combo that I hadn't used in a long time but it was still a fresh setup. Was slow rolling a spinnerbait with it when on the last leg (what else is new lol) she hit. And what a monster! Double digit, for sure. I went for the hookup and the eventual fight but my line simply came off the lure! Yet the fish continued to jump and jump and jump, thrashing its head, trying to shake off the attached spinnerbait. This fish continued to jump over the course of an hour in various other places. Point is, I got a VERY GOOD look at its size....uggggg Later on I found out what the problem was...and what a problem lol I was using some of the original Power Pro Super Slick, the older stuff that was discontinued. That line was SO SLICK that it simply came unraveled on the force of hookup! Even with an excellent knot. Maybe that's why they changed it.....who the heck knows
  17. First fish that I ever caught was up in northern Mass. I had just moved there and met an old timer who invited me out to a lake to go fishing but said, “first, we have to get up very early to get the bait—the crawlers.” Wasn’t sure what he meant but next morning very early we were combing the wet grass lawns for worms lol. We sooner trekked up to this mountain lake, laid out like a dream amid a backdrop of sleepy mountains. There was a silent fog hovering over the water. We baited our hooks and before I cast out, the old timer said, “wait, you need to do this...” He then tipped my hook with a single kernel of corn. Said “it gets the bites.” I casted out with a “whatever” attitude and within a few moments my rod bent over and I sooner reeled in one of the biggest rainbow trouts that I’d ever seen. But, wait, something odd—the fish had a strange looking tag on it. I informed my fishing companion and he went crazy, kept on saying, “can’t believe it! can’t believe it...” Turned out to be a big deal, indeed! Apparently, they’d tagged a single trout years prior as a contest and whoever caught it would receive all kinds of prizes. I was amazed at all the rods, reels, fishing tackle....even made the local paper! The whole town literally went nuts. The news traveled like wildfire, to all the churches, stores, and the barber shops...It was one of the craziest adventures I’d ever been through over a single fish! My first fish.
  18. You don’t necessarily need a guide. There’s many access points across the state to choose from and then explore. Heck, i’ve done better bank fishing than on the water lately. Besides, most on the water aim for the bank anyway lol. Just have to be careful and calculated in the glades....common sense, really. I’m enjoying it big time. So exciting exploring and seeing all the wildlife....not to mention catching fish!
  19. Confidence is the best fishing lure of all....only it doesn’t have a good hook-set lol The day started off with a few fish but then flat out died. So I was thinking about that confidence statement, applying it to my fishing in such a way that I just “knew” that I’d get that monster fish sooner or later. Believe it or not, confidence IS the best fishing lure of all. Well, it happened about mid-day, sun wide open, wind dead calm, water flat as a pancake... probably not the most ideal conditions. I was tossing a chatter bait. About the third cast on the retrieve right by shore I see the lure coming in and right behind it is a fish at least 9 pounds. I slow the lure; the fish moves in right near my feet. I start a side pull; fish tracks and then nips the lure. I swing hard and it felt solid....but only for a moment...d**n! After that it stated raging with heat, so I called it and was heading back. On the way back, I saw a nice looking clump of grass all by its lonesome and thought “what the heck”. So I pulled over and made a cast just to the right of the clump with the same chatter bait...nothing. Then I tossed to the left of the clump. Suddenly, the water boiled! And I mean BOILED like nothing I’ve ever seen with a bass. The lift of water was so pronounced and bulged in such a way that I thought an alligator had just taken my $20 Jackhhammer...but I set the hook anyway. And the fight began. I knew in seconds that it was a fish of a life time because the whole area went off like an atomic bomb.....grass went flat, water exploded, and the whole day burst wide open...drag was being pulled on the almost locked reel. I fought thisp fish maybe a good 2-3 minutes before it finally started to calm. I gained and had it near-shore, long enough to get a good look in total disbelief... And then that hook of confidence let go, and the fish swam off easily. That’s my story on a fish that looked to have been an easy mid-teens! Yes, a 14-15 pounder! A fish of a life time, indeed.
  20. Releasing sharks comes natural because i’ve been doing it for years. It’s certainly a lot harder than even the largest bass lol At night can get a bit tricky with the big girls...gotta swim them out arm in arm lol
  21. Yeah man it’s as good as it gets—sharks on top water—nothing better. They hit like lightening, hit the air like rockets, and then pull 300-400 yards on a maddening insane run. Have to use relatively light gear to cast for them. So it’s a total rush, believe me! Here’s an example. Catch a lot of them on top.
  22. Sunrise to about mid day
  23. Epic day out in the glades bass fishing...over 35 fish caught off the banks....no boat, no canoe or yak, just two feet and a fishing rod and a couple topwater lures lol This is actually my 3rd outing bass fishing in over 25 years! Yep, no joking....been tied up catching and tagging monster sharks off the local beaches on the SE coast of Florida.....I tag sharks for NOAA’s Apex Predator Program catch and release only. Took a break from some recent epic topwater shark fishing and hit the glades with some good (I think) results on top....plus a little R&R....those crazy sharks can do a number on ya! lol So it’s kinda a back and forth thing for me right now, which I’m really enjoying!
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