First fish that I ever caught was up in northern Mass. I had just moved there and met an old timer who invited me out to a lake to go fishing but said, “first, we have to get up very early to get the bait—the crawlers.” Wasn’t sure what he meant but next morning very early we were combing the wet grass lawns for worms lol. We sooner trekked up to this mountain lake, laid out like a dream amid a backdrop of sleepy mountains. There was a silent fog hovering over the water. We baited our hooks and before I cast out, the old timer said, “wait, you need to do this...” He then tipped my hook with a single kernel of corn. Said “it gets the bites.” I casted out with a “whatever” attitude and within a few moments my rod bent over and I sooner reeled in one of the biggest rainbow trouts that I’d ever seen. But, wait, something odd—the fish had a strange looking tag on it. I informed my fishing companion and he went crazy, kept on saying, “can’t believe it! can’t believe it...”
Turned out to be a big deal, indeed!
Apparently, they’d tagged a single trout years prior as a contest and whoever caught it would receive all kinds of prizes. I was amazed at all the rods, reels, fishing tackle....even made the local paper! The whole town literally went nuts. The news traveled like wildfire, to all the churches, stores, and the barber shops...It was one of the craziest adventures I’d ever been through over a single fish!
My first fish.