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Everything posted by Zcoker

  1. Only thing that I will add is strike detection. It can make or break you. Mastering it will make things a whole lot easier. Things that help are a quality rod with good sensitivity, braided line, and a keen focus. The rest can be a bit more subjective, more subliminal, if you will. But it does all come together, eventually, if you keep at it long enough.
  2. Try fishing at night. Big bass love to hunt at night. Darkness also masks your mistakes, something big bass are very aware of. Try fishing with bigger baits. You won’t always get a ton of hits using them but when you do they’re usually big hits. Time on the water is well and good but being in the right place at the right time under the right conditions is much better! In other words, you can isolate and narrow things down to be in those ripe windows. Think big bass in order to catch big bass. Without that mindset, it will be very difficult to beat luck. Be ready for anything! Have all the right tools ready. This gal missed my top water bait so I immediately grabbed my jig rod and fired it over. Had I not been ready to do that, I would’ve missed her.
  3. I use the Costa Blackfin Pro green glass lens which have thus far served me well. Granted, my water down here in south Florida is quite dark, unlike clear lakes and streams. Regardless, I can see the fish well, the bottom well, and the fit is fantastic!
  4. I’m just the opposite with the wind because big bass take advantage of it. This gal was caught with a strong wind pushing me sideways. Some of my bigger fish come on the windiest days…or nights. Wind is a good friend that I’ve learned to “get along with”, which is the key.
  5. Did good. That was brave of him to reach out and put his hopes, trust, and willingness into kind hands. My days are spent seeing the last days of many, and I know first hand the joy of watching those who live life to its fullest. Life is a journey, good, bad, or indifferent, for all to follow, hopefully on the path of everlasting reward!
  6. Probably won't make bit of difference in casting. Only thing I can think of when going half and half is to save on the braid. Then, again, need to know how far the cast will take off the spool before the braid/mono connection shows. I don't take that chance. I load up all my reels with the line used, which is strait braid. No issues yet.
  7. Inside my Black Pack 13x16 is two Plano boxes stocked with high catch baits for the area fished, mainly top water as well as terminal tackle, spares, and hard baits. The back and front of my seat carry all my immediate items, as well as soft baits. Rarely do I reach for anything. What's on my rods usually suffice.
  8. I can only speak for high end JDM saltwater reels (Stella's and Saltigas) and Diawa Tatulas. I purchased mine from Japan for the massive savings. I can factually say that I have never had an issue here in the states for repairs, parts, or general warranty service. The big names like Shimano or Daiwa only ask that the reel be registered on their US sites. Genuine parts are plentiful through Plat Fishing, Japan. I just ordered some spare parts for my Tatulas.
  9. I have two words for Florida summertime bass: TOP WATER. Oh, I forgot one: NIGHT. Put those together equals KABOOM!
  10. I usually get the same feedback when I am fishing a city pond. All relative, I reckon.
  11. There’s many things that you’re gonna find out yourself with bass fishing, which may or may not be pure BS. An open mind does help navigate through it all. Take what you’re told with a grain of salt and let the fish do the taking! They’ll eventually tell you what they want, what’s best, and what you need to do to catch them.
  12. Find a system that works and stick with it. Find a knot that works and stick with it. Find your niche. I'm a power fisherman out in the glades, which is my niche. I used to worry about drag, leaders, and all kinds of silly systems but have since shelved everything in favor of strait heavy braid on all of my setups. And I rarely loose a fish with anything except punching. Granted, I punch stuff that most wouldn't dare get near. But, for the most, I am quite confident that if something bites, it's gonna be in my hands very quickly.
  13. Hey, what they are hitting is what they are hitting. If you have the same lure or something similar, tie it on and start casting. If you don't, well, just do the best you can with what you got or ask your "friend" if they have a spare. Simple solution.
  14. As far as I'm concerned, the less the better. I use very few lures, some of which I make myself. All of them catch the bass that I'm looking for, which are big ones. They either hitting on top, midwater, near bottom, or in the junk. I fish one or the other until I find where they are at. Then I catch them. All about being in the right place at the right time with the right bait to get those bigger fish. Takes more dedication along with timing the conditions than it does a hundred fishing lures, imho. As far as mastering techniques vs versatility, fish in a way the feels the most comfortable, of which gives you the most confidence, would be my take on the two.
  15. Garcia is a hidden gem, easy launch area 24/hour parking with tables and lighting. Never an issue with sleeping. Only place to launch at Headwaters is by the Stickmarsh, which can be tough because of all the vegetation build-up at the primitive kayak site. Have to lug everything quite a ways down the levee and then down a big hill. It often changes, so one week it may be accessible and then the next week totally blocked. The other option is the boat launch, which is a rough ride down a narrow canal filled with bass boats wide open. But it does offer up some good fishing if you know where to go. Stickmarsh is a waste of time with kayak, in my opinion, but it is open 24/7. Headwaters closed at night. Check out Blue Cypress next to Garcia for some scenic scenes. Easy camping with fires allowed. Can always home-base there for the entire area. Totally awesome lake to explore and fish, all natural and one of the nicest lakes in Florida. Kenansville is hit or miss but home to some very big bass. I caught 9 pounder on my first cast there....the one cast wonder lol. Jurassic Park, it's called. A 14 was recently caught there. So plan on some combat fishing if ya go there! It can be hard to navigate with the vegetation build-up but they have since cleared a lot of that stuff out, so it may be much better come Fall. Lake Placid is another hidden gem. Not a big lake but it holds some true monsters. Easy park-n-launch on the west side. Deep and spring fed. There's always the Everglades if all else fails and you want some fish lol. Blue Cypress home base camping basically free. Nice facilities! I think it was a $10 admin fee if I recall correctly for the whole weekend. Fires allowed
  16. Happens all the time down here in Florida with Pelicans. Watch those pets!
  17. For a given area what works just works. Can try many things and they may all work in some form or another but it always goes back to what they like and want the most. I've tried many variations of many lures out in the glades but always shake my head, saying to myself that I'm just wasting my time, should've just used what worked before, tried and true.
  18. Hammerheads don’t jump. Blacktips are the jumpers. Fifty percent of the fight can be out of the water with them, is why they are one of my favorites off the beach. If we’re talking about being in it for the fight, then I’ll take a frisky blacktip any day!
  19. For the everglades big mouths it’s all about slamming them hard and getting them in that net before they even fathom what the heck is going on. Drag? lol, she’s coming in like a torpedo and I’m right there with net in the water ready to scoop her up! The fight is in the net. Not much energy spent. Quick measurements and back she goes. Most all swim off like lightening with me smiling right after them. As far as fighting goes, I’ve had my fair share of it, especially working with NOAA tagging program. Nothing fights like a great hammerhead off-the-beach on a lazy Saturday. Need multiple hands to get those beast in.
  20. Lil bigger down my way
  21. If you've spent hours and years doing it with no hits, then it's you or the places you fish. It could also be time. You didn't say when you go fishing but you might wanna try different times. Frogs come to life sunup down here in south Florida, that or on overcast days. Working them over anything during those conditions will usually produce violent strikes. Unfortunately, light tackle would be a loosing preposition.
  22. Zcoker


    Plus II on the Loctite Gel Control. Odorless, easy on, no mess, no fuss container. I use the liquid stuff for sealing wooden lures before painting.
  23. As much as I night fish, ain’t gonna happen when it’s freezing out. The daytime is pleasant enough here in south Florida during our so called winter months.
  24. I'd say bigger bass feed better at night, only because all of my fish that I get at night are much larger than during the daytime. Most every hit is a tank. I can almost count on it. Rarely do I get smaller fish at night. At least that's the way it is in my neck of the woods. The smaller fish come to life when the sun comes up.
  25. They call it a 'slippery slope', which I've tried to avoid myself. I find being a minimalist with kayak fishing has sharpened my focus more on catching fish than digging around for the right lure or gadget. Having a tackle store aboard may be what some folks want but I just couldn't see it happening on my rig. Basic stuff, that's it. Even the black box was something not needed but I took it as a gift from my wife. I only have two Plano boxes in it. But I do understand how easy it is to get caught up in the slippery slope. It sure can add up! I'm still paying off credit cards for other slippery slopes, like saltwater big game fishing!
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