Don't really have a sure fire method to offer, but you're post reminded me of one particular time.
There is a section of shoreline my wife and I used to fish. A shallow cove with trees, bushes right to the water. We have found that ( beyond any reason I can think of), on a hot summer afternoon, when the shade starts coming out into the water, the bass stack up along the shoreline, like cordwood, in a foot of water, or less. If you can get a T-rigged Senko in close enough it will get bit. We have actually got a dozen bass in a hundred yard stretch.
On one cast my wifes senko went over a tree branch, thru a bush, and into the water. She pulled, but it was stuck. as I'm working the boat into the shore, we see a big bass swimming out. When we got close enough I start working the line free. As I'm freeing the line it starts pulling back. I ended up pulling in hand over hand a 4 lb LM. The 8 lb test mono was all worn and abraded, Don't know how, but it didn't break.
Sorry I can't be more help, but thanks for triggering a good memory.