Last Thursday, my wife and I spent the day fishing up at our favorite lake. This is a lake that we have fished for years and usually we are pretty dialed in on what works. However, this year has been kind of strange. So far, the fish don't seem to be where they are expected to be and although we had a couple of good days, most of the time we had to really work for them. We were fishing a stretch of shoreline that drops off pretty quick and we noticed that we were picking up fish on the fishfinder in about 25-30 feet of water. Each of us were fishing a different color/brand of tube, bouncing it across the bottom without much luck. Finally, for lack of any better ideas, I put on a coffee tube. We had bought a package of these this spring, but hadn't really done much with them. Long story short, I started catching fish. My wife switched to a coffee tube and for the rest of the day, we did well. The surprising thing is, that we caught small mouth, large mouth, and even a pickerel from the same spot all in about 25 feet of water. We much have caught a dozen fish, two pounds or better, and lost 5 or 6. The only down side, is a couple of the fish were deep hooked and I wasn't sure they made it. It was surprising how much they tried to inhale these tubes. Even one small mouth was spitting out small yellow perch when I brought it up to the boat and it still had the coffee tube halfway down its throat. I think next time we are going to try just running the hook through the nose of the tube, to try to get shallower hook set. I can't say for sure that it was the (coffee) that did it, but they sure weren't hitting any of the other tubes we were tossing at them. We are going to try for a repeat performance the end of this week and we will let you know how it goes.