Hi All,
As some of you might know from one of my previous posts, We are looking at the possibility of getting a new Lund Fury XL. I have been talking to a couple of dealers on pricing, options, etc. In both cases the dealers asked me if we wanted a horn @ $ 51. I said that per the Lund web site a horn is listed as a standard feature ( it is ). In both cases the dealers said that per their paper work it is an option.
So I called Lund and talked to a gentleman there.
At first he said it was an option, I told him to look at the web site, he did and then said he didn't know, he would have to call me back.
He called me back and told me the web site was wrong, it was indeed an option. They would change their web site.
I asked him that since I found this, couldn't I get a horn for no charge. He said no.
I know this is small thing in the overall big picture, but this really bugged me. I mean the console comes with a horn button, why have a horn button and no horn.
I thought about this for a while and did some more research then called Lund back and got the same gentleman.
I said that per the Lund web site it says " when it comes to safety just good enough never is". I asked him if that was correct, he said of course.
I asked him if the foam flotation they put in their boats met Coast Guard requirements , He said it exceeds that.
I then asked him, Per Coast Guard regulations. any vessel 16 ft. or larger must have a sound producing device, AKA horn, so it seems Lund is making boats that don't meet these regulations. I said, shouldn't a horn be standard equipment for safety reasons, to meet Coast Guard regs.
He told me I could get a horn, I just have to buy it.
At this point I could see this was going to be a pointless conversation so I thanked him for his time, said good by and hung up.
I know I need a fire extinguisher, PFD's etc. and I don't mind buying them, but for some reason the horn thing really ticked me off.
As a foot note I ran this by both dealers I have been talking to. One offered me a free horn, the other did not. If everything else comes out about = guess which dealer I'll do business with. ( P.S., it's been several days and Lund still hasn't changed their web site.)
So thanks for letting me get this off my chest, rant over.
thanks for listening